♟️Can Manifold user beat me at Heavy chess 4?
resolved Sep 5

The game variant has no pawns, and no empty squares at the start of the game. Each line has a random permutation of the set: 2 knights, 2 bishops, 2 rooks, 2 royal pieces.

Here is the starting position generator:


To challenge me a person has to have 100 Yes shares. To challenge me again the person has to have 200 Yes shares, and so on. Having x*100 shares allows playing x'th attempt for the person.

After the person has bought the shares and notified me, we will agree on date/time, and will play with 1+20 time control (1minute, +20 seconds every move). Color of the pieces is defined randomly.

Resolves No if nobody defeats me before closure.

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Nooooooo I really wanted to do this :(

rip kongo

@mods can this be N/Ad? The market creator deleted their account

I have decided to post the link to the matches when they happen, so sb could trade live while watching.

@benshindel would you be interested in practicing this?


I'm traveling atm so can't really do it rn but can next week

My initial thoughts were:
-I'm probably a little better than you at chess

-This variant should have highly variable outcomes, so if I play several games, I should win at least 1
-I can pick it up pretty quick

Now I've played against a computer for a bit and

-Oh god

Finally, a mode I can beat stockfish in

Corollary to this: chess elo might not matter so much

I am the world record holder for the most games played in this type of chess.

bought Ṁ50 YES

@KongoLandwalker wait... what? How?

I think elo matters a lot for this actually. All the best Chess960 players, for example, are top superGMs: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Chess960_Championship

This is definitely a lot more weird and less chess-like that Chess960, but I think probably strategy and tactics are both still very important.


I invented it.

But given the fact I published the link here, the world record for most matches will not be easy to track anymore 🙂


bought Ṁ50 YES

What's your elo?

I do not have official rating in normal chess.

~2200 in lichess puzzles, ~1850 in lichess rapid.

I have got a second place in rapid over the board in an amateur tornament in my town, hosted by a library last year.

100 then 200, for a third game is it 300 or 400?
If I buy 700 before first game do I get 7 games, 3 games or just 1 game before having to buy more yes to get another chance?

I suspect I would lose badly frequently so probably not a good idea for me for earning mana


Having 700 guarantees 7 attempts total. If, for example, you sell your position and then decide to play the 8th, you would have to buy and have 800 shares.

Having the shares and not selling them allows cheaper further attempts.