Which of the following aerospace/defense companies’ stock will post the best performance during CY2024?
Jan 1
Boeing (BA)
General Dynamics (GD)
Lockheed Martin (LMT)
Northrop Grumman (NOC)
Raytheon (RTX)

These are five of the top aerospace/defense companies by market cap. Performance will only be measured by stocks’ growth or regression from each stocks’ close according to CNBC on their final trading day of 2023. Please let me know if this data is incorrect as of 12/29/2023:

BA - $260.66

GD - $259.67

LMT - $453.24

NOC - $468.14

RTX - $84.14

Performance won’t be by who ends with highest stock price but whose price experiences individual growth following close of trading 12/31/2024. Happy to elaborate if there is any confusion. I will not add “Other” response; it will be the winner among these five. Will build markets for other industries.

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Quarterly-ish update. Hurricane’s coming and I gotta go.

YTDs as of close of market 9/10:

BA - $160.07 (-36.42% YTD)
GD - $302.40 (+14.48% YTD)
LMT - $572.19 (+25.45% YTD)
NOC - $519.93 (+10.60% YTD)
RTX - $120.30 (+41.16% YTD)

I'm gonna go ahead and do this now since I'm thinking about it because I know by the time the end of June rolls around, I'll completely forget that I had a mid-year update to roll out.

Close of Market 5/23 status (Based on YTD, which measures open on 1/2/2024):

BA - $172.21 (-31.60% YTD)
GD - $259.67 (+14.66% YTD)
LMT - $467.08 (+2.40% YTD)
NOC - $467.21 (-0.61% YTD)
RTX - $105.41 (+23.69% YTD)

Do with this information what you like.

12/29 close prices all match Yahoo finance https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/RTX/history/