What topics or who will Elon Musk tweet about on X before July 4th?
resolved Jul 5
Taylor Swift
Joe Biden tripping over
Tucker Carlson
Sam Altman
Jimmy Carter
Donald Trump's trial(s)
Roman Empire
Lex Fridman
The US-TikTok ban
Melinda Gates
Benjamin Netanyahu
Emmanuel Macron
Truth Social
Chat GPT
Literally "spice"
Proactively advocating for more legal immigration

Whatever Musk tweets or reposts, including reposts (the content directly visible in the repost and pictures (videos, podcasts, etc. are excluded) without opening a thread) after market creation/adding the submission, counts. Whatever is visible under "Posts" on his page, even if deleted later, also counts. Replies, etc., do not count.

  • I reserve the right to mark any answer as N/A for any reason, especially low value answers (i.e. "Tesla" or "United States") according to my judgement. Please ask beforehand. [payments for submissions won't be returned]

  • Literally submissions will only be based on what Musk directly types on X in his own posts and in the text above reposts. This does not include what other people write or what he uses in replies. Furthermore, it does not include what he says in a video or what is visible in a picture or meme, even if these contain words.

Resolution criteria

  • I'll be fairly relaxed, but it should be clear and obvious. I.e. if he tweets "the president does[...]," Joe Biden would resolve to yes. However, "Obamacare" won't resolve "Obama." "Transgender" isn't enough to resolve "LGBT," but "LGBTQIA+" and "transgender, [...] homosexuals and bisexuals" would resolve "LGBT." If the submission requires an international context, the submission won't resolve if Musk only mentions a single country. If you need more examples, please feel free to ask.

  • I'll use my own judgment and might seek input from mods in unclear cases or decide to N/A.

  • I won't bet in this market except to push certain answers in the ranking.

  • The question closes on July 4th at 0:00 PT. Any submissions without proof by July 5th at 0:00 PST will be resolved as NO.

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@traders Please keep in mind that the deadline for posting will pass tomorrow (July 4th at 00:00 PT) and the market will close. If you have additional evidence, please comment before July 5th at 00:00 PT. Otherwise, all remaining submissions will be resolved as NO.

Thank you to everyone for trading 🧑

The next market until after the election is here:

Only original posts and reposts are considered for this question. Replies do not count.

Quick links:

I saw that, but it isn't convincing. An ad with animated white stripes and a logo in the sky during daylight isn't obvious enough for me, especially with no reference to Independence Day or fireworks in the text and it's posted on July 3rd.

well I don't think it's fair to refer to it as "animated white stripes" it's clearly modeling a firework lol

I accept that you're not counting this representation of a firework when July 4th was impending (and the chosen cars are red and blue on white sand) as it's your market and your choice of course! but there's no need to suggest it's not clearly meant to be fireworks shaped like the Tesla logo 🧑

It’s not a hill I’m willing to die on.

boughtαΉ€100Answer #595a406279f0 YES

@shankypanky I made a mistake with the official closing time for this market (AM vs. PM). I could reopen for a few minutes it if you would like to sell.

@traders Please keep in mind that the deadline for posting will pass tomorrow (July 4th at 00:00 PT) and the market will close. If you have additional evidence, please comment before July 5th at 00:00 PT. Otherwise, all remaining submissions will be resolved as NO.

Thank you to everyone for trading 🧑

The next market until after the election is here:

is "before" by EOD July 3rd, or does it include the 4th?

before, doesn't include July 4th PT. (But other timezones.)

The question closes on July 4th at 0:00 PT.


And to make it more confusing, I've changed it for the next market, because this definition is kind of stupid.

Next market:

bought αΉ€400 Answer #81e14d5162e7 NO


@Daniel_MC Changed Jillian Assange to Julian Assange


bought αΉ€495 Answer #3f304286346b YES

Thanks 🧑

convenient time for the site to freeze and reject my bet of course πŸ™ƒ looks like it got in partially - happy father's day to me lol

It seems that you order have gone through. It was at 99% when I resolved.

yeah it went in partially! someone else's bet went through at the same time I think and it went in while mine didn't. it's all good I was just having a laugh about it lol

maybe I'll take a chance on more additions for the next two weeks

bought αΉ€207 Answer #8cf8b4d9a4d9 YES

@shankypanky Thanks

This option was added after this post. https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1796579097633763586

Is https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1796579097633763586 a

presidential debate or do multiple candidates have to debate?

@ChristopherRandles I'm pinging @shankypanky, but in my view, this suggestion is pretty obvious about the debate between Biden and Trump on CNN, not a random debate/interview with a former president and someone else.

@Lion Biden has declined a separate similar event on X but 2 candidates have agreed to separate events AIUI

I'm really confused - a town hall isn't a debate. he's hosting a guy and talking to him. presidential debate is pretty clear - he needs to post about a presidential debate lol

even if Biden agrees to a separate town hall on x it's still not a debate. it's like saying two people had a conversation with each other because they were both interviewed by NPR at separate times by the same person.

in case the term "town hall" is unclear:

Public town hall meetings

These meetings are open to everyone and are a way for people to ask questions and share their opinions about policies or problems. They can be a good way for people to let the government know about issues that matter to them. A common format for public town halls is a panel discussion with a moderator and three or four experts, followed by a question and answer session. Town halls are a way for elected officials, political candidates, and public figures to connect with their constituents.

@shankypanky I didn't bet on it as I wasn't sure so I am ok with you saying no. It might be viewed as a series of presidential candidate debates which seems more like a presidential debate series of events, but if that doesn't qualify unless more than one candidate is present then that seems fine.

okay just to be clear about what would qualify, it's either hosting an actual debate on X or directly referring to the debate between the current candidates. a single person in conversation doesn't count, even if there's a Q&A. past debate references also don't count, i.e. if he refers to Jimmy Carter's debate against Ronald Reagan in 1980, it doesn't count.

@shankypanky Thanks for the clarity.

I would have assumed if broadcast on X but Musk didn't tweet about it then it would not qualify but you seem to be saying that would qualify. Or are you saying that would qualify only if Elon was the host?

@ChristopherRandles no, I'll clarify again. the market is literally only for his tweets so he needs to tweet about hosting an actual debate...