Will Ukraine receive non-Russian fighter jets (Oct 2024 limit)
Oct 31

This market is about credible reporting of the aircraft arriving in Ukraine AND being under control of the Ukrainian army/state. Market will resolve YES once such reports are made public, otherwise it resolves to NO on 1st November 2024. If there are rumours/uncofirmed reports of jets arriving arround the close date, I will wait with resolution until it is clear whether the jets actually arrived before close date.

While fighter jets are the most likely to be delivered first, any non-russian/soviet manned fixed-wing aircraft with jet propulsion that can serve a primarily combat role will count (e.g. transport aircraft like C-40 won't count, jet-propelled bomber aircraft like B-52 would count, combat capable jets that are however mostly used as trainers like Aero L-159 would count). Delivery of Russian/soviet designs (e.g. Migs from Slovakia) will not count.

A market on actualy type being announced:

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