@jgyou aka JGY

Closed to new entries. New entries submitted after 2024-01-01 resolve NO.

Your answer resolves NO when someone notices that you stop using Manifold for 30 days and posts a comment to that effect.

The market resolves in the following cases:

  • There is only one person left.

  • Everyone left agrees to end the tontine and divide the pool.

  • I am unable to continue running the market or hand it over to someone else.

Whenever the market resolves, it resolves equally to all remaining people.

I will not bet in this market.

Get αΉ€600 play money
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bought αΉ€500 @firstuserhere NO

This will resolve NO

RomaboughtαΉ€260@roma YES

Looks like there are some users whose profile pages 404. I'm not sure if they just changed their usernames or if some of them are out:

  • JGY is @jgyou [now fixed]

  • tiswtr

  • AlexBGoode is probably @AlexbGoode? [now fixed]

  • snoozingnewt

  • SeraphinaNix

  • dylanslagh (duplicated in the list, actual username @DylanSlagh)

@dreev Yeah, I made a mistake when entering my handle

@AlexbGoode fixed it

Is there a definitive way to confirm date-last-active from a user's profile page? I believe that, for example, @brubsby has been inactive for more than 30 days based on their most recent question/comment/trade, but I'm not sure if there's anything I might be missing.

@dreev Not being in a league is a sure sign.

vansh is already out (not active in the past month)

@jgyou Hmm, I failed to verify if that was true at the time myself and they do seem active currently, so I'm not sure how @MartinRandall will handle this one.

@dreev easily done from the API. Just have to look for an inactivity gap after official start date (January 1st 2024?)

Alternate title: Who's addictive behavior is the most out of hand




😈 πŸ₯

Base rate is 1/202. Draw your own conclusions from the fact that I'm still alive in real Tontine, too.

@AlexbGoode you got your username wrong

Technically, bots are not prohibited from participating... 😈

@ArkPoint The criteria do say "remaining people"

@MartinRandall If that's the case, should we resolve them NO or N/A? Seems confusing to keep them up.

@tfae I can't resolve but I can edit now

me in 937 years coming for my mana

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