Will Linda Yaccarino be the CEO of Twitter on July 1, 2024?
resolved Jul 1

From https://metaculus.com/questions/17250/linda-yaccarino-ceo-of-twitter/

Linda Yaccarino, the former advertising chief of NBCUniversal, has been appointed as the CEO of Twitter by Elon Musk, the owner of the platform. She's expected to assume the role in late June, 2023. The selection of Yaccarino indicates Musk's focus on Twitter's advertising business and his plans to revamp the social network into X, the “everything app”. Yaccarino has a strong background in the advertising industry and is known for her influential role in Madison Avenue.

Assuming the role of Twitter CEO, Yaccarino will face various challenges, including Twitter's struggles to expand its advertising business, gaps in expertise and technical glitches, and the company's substantial debt. Additionally, she will have to navigate the unpredictable nature of working with Musk.

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@dglid @MetaculusBot resolves YES

Wait I heard she was the X CEO now. [awkward pause] Get it?

I may have a bit of a bias due to personal interest, but I concur. Resolves YES.

So how exactly do prize markets work when it comes to giving out Prize Points? Could someone just bet all of their mana on YES and have a 98% chance of converting it all into Prize Points?

@ZaneMiller Yup. In multiple choice you can convert even more trivially. That could change, but currently the conversion is easy

Note that there is now a limit of 1%/99% for market probabilities. If the resolution is already known, people will bet it down/up to those values and you will no longer be able to convert mana. If it's not known the market probably won't hit those values but also your conversion is not a sure thing then.

You could also convert mana into prize points by making small bets on as many prize markets as possible, so that you're not changing the market probability and decrease your variance as much as possible. Betting close to the limit costs you less in fees but also increases your risk.

Great episode this week- but y’all need to read or listen to Isaacson’s biography on Elon. If so, you might ha e a different poll.

predicted NO

@MichelleDavidson ???

The bots are out of control.

This looks very bad to me; I don't know if backlash will affect Twitter but I don't understand this other than in the context that they are desperate for money. I'm selling my small position and betting NO, since it doesn't seem like it is going to go well for Yaccarino.



predicted YES

Class-action lawsuit against twitter over mass layoffs:

"Twitter owes ex-employees $500 mln in severance, lawsuit claims"

predicted YES


A puff piece: twitter's goal as the "most accurate real time information source". The social media comments here: https://www.mediaite.com/news/tech-world-delusion-twitter-ceo-roasted-for-vow-to-make-platform-worlds-most-accurate-real-time-information-source/ are interesting. Even if you remove all the bots through verification, Musk's goal of an open public square and her goal of Twitter as the most accurate information source seem to be in conflict. If she is allowed to push towards that goal without irritating and getting fired by Musk we will have a less than open public square that Musk wants (he will probably have to compromise). If the frequency of Musk's inflammatory tweets do not decrease in the coming months, that will be an indicator for me to update towards NO. For now I will take this as good news as I am betting Musk will compromise for the survival of the company and so he does not lose so much of his net worth.

@Akzzz123 Unless she pulls a Liz Truss, I think this will resolve Yes.