Will negotiations between Ukraine and Russia start this year and why? (your answers)
Dec 31
Fatigue and public opinion
Sustained diplomatic pressure
Economic pressure
Military stalemate
Changes in leadership

For the "Yes" outcome:

a. Zelenskyy or other high-ranking Ukrainian officials must publicly announce or confirm that they are entering into direct negotiations with the Russian government to seek a diplomatic resolution to end the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. b. The negotiations must involve substantive discussions about potential territorial concessions, ceasefire agreements, demilitarized zones, prisoner exchanges, or other major terms related to ending hostilities or freezing the conflict. c. If the negotiations involve the removal or amendment of Ukraine's law banning negotiations with Russia, which was passed in October 2022, this must be explicitly stated or confirmed by the Ukrainian government.

For the "No" outcome: a. Zelenskyy and the Ukrainian government do not engage in or announce any direct negotiations with the Russian government before December 31, 2024. b. Any talks or discussions that occur are limited to low-level diplomatic efforts or third-party mediation, without any substantive face-to-face negotiations taking place between Zelenskyy/top Ukrainian officials and Russian leadership. c. Ukraine's law banning negotiations with Russia remains fully in effect throughout 2024, without any changes.

Sources for resolution: a. Official statements, readouts, and announcements from the Office of the President of Ukraine, Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and other high-ranking Ukrainian government sources. b. Credible reporting from major international news outlets and wire services with correspondents covering the conflict and any negotiations. c. Verified reports and assessments from independent monitoring organizations, think tanks, and observers closely tracking the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

Possible reasons for negotiations starting:

  1. Military stalemate with neither side able to achieve decisive victory, compelling them to seek negotiated settlement.

  2. Increasing economic costs from war, trade disruption, and sanctions motivating a negotiated resolution.

  3. Sustained diplomatic pressure from UN, EU, NATO, the U.S. and other major powers to find a peaceful solution.

  4. Changes in leadership in Ukraine or Russia that bring a willingness to negotiate to end the conflict.

  5. Worsening humanitarian crisis creating moral imperative for ceasefire and negotiations.

  6. Public fatigue and declining domestic support for war in either nation pushing leaders to the table.

  7. Successful third-party mediation efforts establishing trust and neutral framework for negotiations.

  8. Significant territorial gains/losses altering strategic positions and driving incentives to negotiate outcomes.

  9. Internal political factors like re-election concerns motivating compromise through negotiations.

For each potential reason to resolve as a "Yes" outcome, it must be clearly and objectively documented on the relevant Wikipedia page(s) about the Russia-Ukraine conflict, citing motivations and perspectives from both sides as well as neutral sources, and added without any edit wars or content disputes arising over its inclusion. If a reason faces editing conflicts or is not successfully included, it will resolve as "No." All reasons resolve as "No" if negotiations do not occur at all before end of 2024.

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