This bet will resolve as 'yes' if Ukrainian private military companies (PMCs) will start being deployed in large operations in the war before the end of 2025:
The operations must include ground combat roles for a PMC unit of at least 500 armed contractors fighting against Russian invasion forces.
The PMC unit must be composed of contractors working for an entity that meets the definition of a private military company: A private company providing organized armed security, combat or military training services for profit.
There must be photographic or video evidence clearly verifying the identity of the PMC and the scale of their deployment as part of the operation.
Alternatively, their participation could be officially acknowledged by either the Ukrainian government or military command or consensus of reputable observers of Ukrainian-Russian war.
The operations may be undertaken independently by the PMC or in conjunction with Ukrainian military forces.
Bet on Russo-Ukraine war here:
Will the Ukraine war enter a state of "frozen conflict" by:
EOY 2025?
EOY 2024?
If any side secures a ceasefire agreement with Ukraine, what will be the causes?
pro-Russian ceasefire?
pro-Ukraine ceasefire?
Will Transnistria be annexed by Russia until EOY 2025?
Will one or more Ukrainian private military companies participate in battalion-sized (500+ soldier) combat operations?
Will Ukraine destroy at least 5 strategic bombers this year, preventing their further use for shelling Ukraine?
Will Ukrainian frontline collapse until EOY 2024?
Will Ukrainian authorities lift the travel ban for male citizens aged 18-60 by January 1, 2026?
Will commercial flights resume from any Ukrainian airport by January 1, 2026?