[Planecrash] [Rot13] Vf guvf (bayl) gur Gehr Raqvat bs Cynarpenfu?
Apr 4

Resolves to Yes if the timeline as of the latest tag is confirmed in-story or by Eliezer to be part of the True Ending, and there are no other timelines tagged before the story's end which are causally descended from the latest tag.

Resolves to No if a tag causally descended from the latest tag is confirmed to be part of another ending, including but not limited to the "Good Ending", or a tag not causally descended from the latest tag is confirmed to be part of the True Ending.

In-story projections and guesses by characters or narrators are not considered to be timelines.

Resolves N/A if no such confirmation is provided by the close of the question.

Apr 4, 12:22am: Vf guvf (bayl) gur Gehr Raqvat bs Cynarpenfu? → [Planecrash] [Rot13] Vf guvf (bayl) gur Gehr Raqvat bs Cynarpenfu?

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predicts NO

I'm going to close, but not yet resolve, this market—we pretty much know now what state of affairs pertains in the story, but unless we see a World-N+1 tag in the epilogue, the way I wrote the question doesn't let me resolve it except based on certain things being called certain names.