Will there be widely trusted evidence of migrants to the US eating a single cat or dog in the last 4 years?
Nov 15

Before the election. A community note visible for 3 hours affirming it would do.

Any first gen immigrant, anywhere in the US and doesn't even have to be a pet.

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So... any first gen immigrant, anywhere in the US, and doesn't even have to be a pet?

Some dumbass grilling up roadkill counts?

Such a wide net, surely it will go YES.

bought Ṁ650 YES

@AlexanderMiller I'd say a right wing pamphlet doesn't count as widely trusted evidence...

I mean I might trust a good video whatever the origin but this is not a good video.

@Joshua it's not a good video indeed but I personally would also not trust just any video given the interest on making deep fakes as this is a controversial political topic

@Choms I think it's not that hard to spot a deepfake, that's not a big part of this IMO.

In any case, this market is incredibly broad and I imagine it's happened somewhere in the US in the last 4 years?

@Joshua I get what you mean but I'm sticking to the "trusted evidence" and "migrants" for my NO, probably someone (probably both migrant and US-born) has eat a pet in the past 4 years but I don't think there's actual evidence and much less evidence linked to a migrant status

@Joshua Yeah I imagine so too.