Who will win the Sunak vs Morgan bet on Rwanda flights leaving before the next UK election?
Rishi Sunak
Piers Morgan
One or both will renege on the bet

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has made a £1,000 bet with Piers Morgan that deportation flights to Rwanda will take place before the next election.


  • Resolves Rishi Sunak on confirmation that Piers Morgan has donated £1000 to a refugee charity in relation to this bet.

  • Resolves Piers Morgan on confirmation that Rishi Sunak has donated £1000 to a refugee charity in relation to this bet.

  • Resolves One or both will renege on the bet if one or the other states on camera or in print that the bet is off, or if neither has been confirmed to make the donation at market close.

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Looks like Sunak is going to renege on the bet.

I’m going to leave this open a while longer, because I cannot believe there won’t be some pressure for him to donate the money to charity that he said he would. But I can’t imagine leaving this open to 2025 now. Maybe I’ll pull forward closure to a couple of weeks after the election?

Incredibly poor behaviour from someone who thinks he should run the country.

opened a Ṁ1 One or both will ren... YES at 85% order

@Noit still nothing on this. crazy that someone as wealthy as he is won’t donate £1k to charity

opened a Ṁ500 Rishi Sunak NO at 5% order

Morgan seems pretty clear here that he thinks the bet is still live. So, will Sunak welch on the bet?

Sunak has come pretty close to reneging on the bet…


I am not a betting person and I was taken totally by surprise in that interview.

The point I was trying to get across – I was taken totally by surprise – was actually about the Rwanda policy and about tackling illegal migration, which is something I care deeply about.

Obviously people have strong views on this and I was just underlining my absolute commitment to this policy, my desire to get it through parliament, up and running because I believe you need to have the deterrent.

I’m not sure if that language is quite strong enough to resolve the market, but I think it’s pretty clear that he’s saying that he doesn’t think there’s a valid bet open!

@SimonGrayson I’ll not be resolving based on that statement as it comes more across as political arse-covering than it does an actual reneging.

I’d expect Morgan, gob that he is, to have words to say if he believed the bet had been reneged on, so I’d treat anything he says on the matter as a strong signal if not an actual resolution.