Will Substack's Community WeFunder Round Live Up To Its Valuation?



Them's are some spicey valuation numbers at close to 36X revenue. Will it provide a return on investment for its investors over a decent timeframe?

Market will be resolved by either linearly backtracking the IPO valuation, if that's an appropriate method to do so, or looking at credible third party private valuation sources which rely on whatever the best quality valuation method would be, or subsequent rounds of community funding.

I'm open to narrowing the above criteria further if anyone in the comment has more substantial ideas to make this resolution criteria more specific.


20230419: Added market resolution criteria thresholds.

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I would like to place a bet on this market but I will hold off until the market resolution criteria is more well-defined. My thoughts are that the business model sounds more like a, "book publisher," where everyone has a dream of being a writer, and they sell the dream of being a writer to a lot of folks, but ultimately only a tiny portion of the participants ever make money, which means people get soured on the business model over time, which means there is sort of an over-valuation built-in. However if anyone wants to take up the YES mantle and propose a resolution threshold that would make this market more interesting and debatable, I'm open to hearing that so we can make this more interesting.

@BTE and @EzraSchott I added a market resolution criteria, please let me know if this goes against how you may have been looking at the market and I will compensate you in the comments.

Let the record show that I hope to be wrong.