Will Reality Shifting be proven as a real phenomenon before 2070?

Reality Shifting is the act of detaching one's awareness from the current reality and becoming aware in another "reality," akin to traveling between realities with consciousness. In the "new reality," experiences feel as real (engaging all five senses) as they do in our current reality.

The concept of "Reality Shifting" is ancient, with mentions across different cultures, religions, and spiritual traditions. It has been referred to as "quantum jumping," "timeline shifting," among other terms, though these do not always share the exact same description or refer to the same concept.

"Reality Shifting" gained prominence under this name in 2019 on Amino, and its popularity soared on TikTok during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. Initially, its main demographic was teenagers and young adults, with a trend of shifting to a Harry Potter reality. Over time, the Shifting community expanded in age diversity and interests, focusing on a broader range of realities, including those from well-known fictional media, original creations, and variations of this reality or famous media. The peak of its virality was between 2020-2022, and the community has since experienced steady growth. Currently, the community is active on Amino, TikTok (where the majority of users are concentrated), and Reddit (which attracts a more mature audience). For reference, the subreddit is: https://www.reddit.com/r/shiftingrealities/

General Information on How Reality Shifting Is Reported to Work:

  • Scripts: Written or mental scripts are created, detailing the desired reality's characteristics. As long as they are not paradoxical, it is possible to shift to a reality as specified, whether it is fictional, an alternate history, or fully made up.

  • Shifting Process: Shifting typically involves entering an altered state of consciousness to detach from this reality and attach to the desired reality. Any altered state can be effective, including drug-induced states, though sleeping or sleep-adjacent states and deep meditation are most common. Often, specific "methods" are employed (a series of mental steps such as counting or visualizing something, akin to meditation), but the only essential element is the intention to shift. Interestingly, shifting can occur accidentally, without any prior knowledge or intention, as reported by some within the community. Despite many attempting, the majority have not shifted yet, and among those who claim to have shifted, it often took a considerable amount of time. However, once someone has successfully shifted, they appear more likely to do so again, indicating a potential skill or conditioning factor. Shifting can occur while awake.

  • Time Ratios and Awareness: Scripts may specify how time in the desired reality correlates with time in the current reality, or they may state that no time passes at all. If one shifts while awake and does not set a script to return at the time of departure or shortly after, the elapsed time between leaving and returning would go unnoticed by the person's current reality awareness, usually referred to as "clones" or "variants," because the awareness of this reality is not aware of the shift. Upon returning to this reality, the individual regains awareness of both the activities of their clone/variant during their absence and all memories from the desired reality. It is also possible to permanently shift to another reality (known as "permashifting"), where the clone/variant here remains forever unaware of the shifted awareness's activities unless they decide to return. Furthermore, is possible to shift to another new reality from an already shifted reality and also returning directly to this current reality without doing backwards the order of shifts.

  • Skill and Memory Transfer: Physical or motor skills cannot be acquired through shifting when coming back. However, memories from the desired reality are retained upon returning, with older memories becoming less clear over time, similar to how memory works in this reality. New knowledge or skills learned in the desired reality, as long as they were acquired through conscious effort and not from past memories of the desired reality self, fully transfer back. This theoretically allows for the acquisition of unknown information from another reality, such as learning a new language in a fraction of the time it would take in this reality, using time ratios (even if it means staying in the desired reality learning that language whatever time takes). In theory this means it will be possible to get the information of what is written in a sealed safe (without any prior access or knowledge) and might even allow with a well-made script to get knowledge from future events. However the community opinions are mixed about this, and reluctant to do experiments. Most of the Shifting community prefers to remain unknown, either to avoid harassment or maybe for lack of truthfulness.

Despite widespread interest and anecdotal reports, Reality Shifting lacks scientific or psychological evidence and is often considered a spiritual concept. It has faced criticism, particularly concerning its potential adverse effects on minors (despite no real prove of it) and its popularity among predominantly female teenagers on TikTok. However, the persistence of the community with steady growth, even after the peak of its viral popularity with a not insignificant number of people claiming to have achieved it, suggests that a real, albeit unexplained, phenomenon may be occurring.

Within the Shifting community, various hypotheses exist regarding the nature of Reality Shifting:

  • Multiverse Theory: This theory posits that the new reality into which one shifts is genuinely real. Based on the "Many-Worlds Interpretation" or multiverse theory, it suggests an infinite set of universes exists, each with its own arrangement of particles, matter, and energy, possibly even with different physical laws. Shifting, then, is seen as becoming aware of another self in another universe through the transfer of awareness and memories. This concept aligns with the view that all existence is part of a single consciousness experiencing itself, allowing for the switch of awareness similarly to changing radio channels.

    Note: while the Many-Worlds Interpretation has some scientific backing and might one day be proven right, this does not automatically validate the Shifting multiverse theory, as it involves the transfer of awareness between realities, not merely the existence of the multiverse. However, should the multiverse be disproven, it would negate the multiverse theory as a basis for Reality Shifting.

  • Cognitive Theory: This theory suggests that Reality Shifting occurs entirely within the brain, not externally. It is not considered a dream but rather a self-induced hallucination that deceives all senses into feeling as real as actual reality or the creation of indistinguishable fake memories from real ones.

IMPORTANT: This market prediction is not about which theory of shifting is right, whether it's supernatural, scientific, fake, psychological, or anything else. It focuses on whether Reality Shifting will be recognized as a real phenomenon, distinct from any known scientific fact as of the start of this market (February 2024). For instance, if Shifting is debunked as a method of traveling between realities but is proven to be an undiscovered type of dream-like experience (similar to the discovery of lucid dreaming or sleep paralysis), this would result in a YES resolution.

Disclosure: The OP (me) of this market believes in Reality Shifting through the multiverse theory and is actively attempting to shift, despite not having succeeded yet. Regardless of any personal experiences I may or may not have with shifting in the future, this will not affect the market's resolution, which will strictly adhere to the terms outlined below. While not relevant to the market and without influencing its outcome, I will state here if I successfully shift or give up, providing the perspective of someone who has actively attempted to shift and their personal outcome.

This will resolve as YES if any of the following occurs before 2070:

  • Shifting is proven by multiple scientific studies as a form of mental travel to alternate realities.

  • Shifting is validated by multiple scientific studies as a type of hyper-induced hallucination where the mind deceives all senses into feeling fully real or creates indistinguishable fake memories from real ones.

  • A technology or device is developed that can read minds/memories, and more than one study confirms a unique, previously unknown process in individuals when they shift or when analyzing memories from a shifting experience (like fake memories from a shift indistinguishable from real ones).

  • The multiverse and consciousness as non-local are scientifically proven, along with the ability to travel to other realities.

  • "Wonderland"/internal mental worlds that feel as real as reality are proven to exist and are accessible without mental reality-altering disorders such as schizophrenia or the influence of substances.

  • The Shifting trend is identified as a new type of psychological phenomenon by science, distinct from mass hysteria or any known phenomenon.

  • A powerful AI/AGI/ASI capable of generating new knowledge or scientific discoveries validates any unknown phenomena related to Shifting or introduces a discovery closely related to either of the main Shifting theories.

This will resolve as NO if:

  • The deadline of 2070 is reached without fulfilling any of the above criteria.

  • A powerful AI/AGI/ASI capable of generating new knowledge or scientific discoveries disproves Shifting as phenomenon with no unknown or special properties.

The criteria for a NO resolution are intentionally lazy, reflecting that Shifting has a higher likelihood of being proven as a real phenomenon (whatever its nature) with future advancements in technology or, conversely, being more conclusively debunked. Understanding Shifting as a real phenomenon may require a profound comprehension of consciousness or the universe itself. A powerful AI/AGI/ASI, anticipated to likely exist before 2070 with capabilities surpassing current human scientific analysis, is considered the definitive judge in this matter.

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I just checked out the subreddit and this is literally just people of a different generation learning you can lucid dream. I mean it's cool, but you aren't jumping universes, I guess that it fits in the Cognitive Theory explanation that you want?

@StopPunting It can't be lucid dreaming, at least not as we currently define what a lucid dream is and how it works by scientific consensus. Shifting is reported to be something different, feeling fully real-like with all five senses in a way that even the most vivid dreams can't achieve. It's also described as something that can happen either in wakeful states or during sleep, without any known quantitative or measurable activity that differs from the usual (when awake, it does not induce a trance-like state; when asleep, it does not need to occur in the REM phase).

I mean, this is all self-reported, at least, but as it is explained, it's not similar to any known phenomena. Whether it is a real, unknown phenomenon (such as jumping universes, or fitting into a cognitive theory-like explanation) or a hoax/misinterpretation of a real, known phenomenon (like lucid dreaming or daydreaming) is up for debate, and that's the purpose of this market.

Here is the FAQ of the subreddit with a more in-depth explanation of how it is described: https://www.reddit.com/r/shiftingrealities/wiki/index/faq/

(Note: As the multiverse theory interpretation of Reality Shifting is the most popular within the community, this FAQ focuses more on it, but the general terms and self-reported inner workings should be mostly the same in the cognitive theory or other variations).

The concept of an Alternate Reality as I understand it, is paradoxical. Sure they might be out there, but if they can interact with our reality, then they're just real, not alternate.

Like whenever we discover something like faraway galaxies or strange interactions at sub-atomic scales, we don't say we discovered an Alternate Reality, we say that this has always been part of our reality.

So, I want to vote "no", but the resolution criteria are too vague. "Science" is no monolith, the arrival of future AI has not been observed and replicated as by the scientific method, nor is there wide scientific consensus. If you specify by saying something like "a paper supporting Reality Shifting gets X citations as reported by Y" or "Reality Shifting becomes an acknowledged condition/method according to Z".

@Jono3h In this market, I use "reality" in a colloquial sense, as it is the term employed within the shifting community. However, it refers to either an internal, reality-like perception or a distinct universe based on the Many-Worlds Interpretation of the multiverse. As you mentioned, if something is discovered at a certain distance, it is indeed part of this "reality" or current universe. Yet, the multiverse theory suggests different categories, such as Tegmark's four-level classification. Level I describes parts of our own universe at vast distances, aligning with your statement. However, other levels indicate distinct universes with varying physical constants that do not share the same space-time. Level III, for example, is based on a Many-Worlds Interpretation of quantum mechanics, where each universe exists independently in different layers of existence and should not be able to interact with each other (hence the term "parallel" universe, as they cannot interact). Under the multiverse hypothesis for shifting, it is posited that cross-multiverse interactions, like shifting between "realities" or universes, are possible due to a shared factor across the entire multiverse that may allow influences between them. This could involve a concept of multiversal consciousness, where consciousness itself or a precursor is non-local and originates in quantum properties that are uniform across the multiverse, such as those proposed by string theory. This, in theory, would allow for cross-multiverse interactions like shifting between "realities" or universes. However, this is pure speculation lacking scientific data to either confirm or refute at the moment.

The resolution criteria, referring to "proven by multiple scientific studies," imply the publication of multiple papers and a general scientific consensus on any newly discovered phenomenon related to Reality Shifting or any conditions stated in the resolution criteria. If these conditions are scientifically proven, it would count as a YES resolution; conversely, disproving all stated conditions would result in a NO resolution.

The future development of AI is uncertain, but as mentioned, if any kind of advanced AI can make valid scientific discoveries and scientific papers are published about its findings, these would be regarded the same as papers produced solely by humans. Given the possibility of advanced AI, if such technology is developed, it is likely to make quicker and deeper discoveries about the nature of the universe and consciousness, which are necessary to prove or disprove Reality Shifting as any kind of true unknown phenomenon. The absence of proof beyond the 2070 deadline will result in a NO resolution, as will the disproval of all conditions stated for a YES resolution.

@Peter1169 i believe then that Reality Shifting will receive insufficient scientific attention for your market to resolve to yes or no.

@Jono3h In that case, the market would resolve as NO by the 2070 deadline.