Which political party would you vote for?
The Juggalo Party
The Furry Party
The Brony Party

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Nominees have been selected!

The Juggalo Party has nominated Donald Trump: https://manifold.markets/PlasmaBallin/which-political-party-does-manifold?r=UGxhc21hQmFsbGlu

The Furry Party has nominated Joe Biden: https://manifold.markets/PlasmaBallin/which-political-party-does-manifold-3dfa4d529638?r=UGxhc21hQmFsbGlu

I guess this makes RFK the Brony Party nominee.


The parties are now selecting their nominees! Which parties' nominations should Biden and Trump run for? Vote here:


Once again, FPTP forces me to cast a strategic vote.

The Furry party would probably be 95% top engineers, these are the people I want running things.

@ShakedKoplewitz Yeah, this is definitely a good point. If you had to pick either a random juggalo, a random furry, or a random brony to run the country, the furry is probably the most likely to have some sort of useful expertise. The brony might have some expertise as well, but there's a higher risk of getting an alt-righter if you vote for them.

@PlasmaBallin wait why do furries have expertise?

I second that question. ^

@TheAllMemeingEye As the OP says, they tend to have expertise with technology. This implies being educated (as does the fact that they're disproportionately wealthy), which means they're likely to have broader expertise too.

@PlasmaBallin Allow me to rephrase, why would furries be 95% top engineers? Don't most hire people to make their fur suits for them?

@TheAllMemeingEye The 95% is obviously an exaggeration, but the furry fandom is well-known for having a lot of computer engineers in it. I think it's mostly because it spread early on the Internet, when those were the only people who actually knew how to use it.

Based on an (admittedly outdated) survey I found, 28% of furries with a college education majored in a computer-related field. https://furscience.com/research-findings/appendix-1-previous-research/international-summer-2011

@PlasmaBallin thanks, I had no idea lol

@TheAllMemeingEye There's a popular meme that furries control the entire internet

It's neck and neck between the Juggalo Party and the Furry Party. Who will be the final winner?

Maybe knowing who the party nominees are will influence opinion


imo the logical party affiliations would be

Biden: Furry

Trump: Juggalo

RFK: Brony

Oh no, the Juggalo Party is winning, as was prophesied. Humanity is doomed.

democracy fails us

@shankypanky Never thought it would be the Furry Party and the Brony Party that split the moderate vote.

@PlasmaBallin I'm not sure how and I'm not sure why, but I have a feeling it's magnets who are to blame

@shankypanky We need to pass a law really quick to make magnets an essential part of the electoral system. ICP will be so confused that they won't be able to figure out how to run their campaign. It's the only way to save humanity.

@PlasmaBallin we need some allies and a Treaty of Magnet Carta

(@Joshua definitely groaning right now which makes this bad pun worth it)


No mere piece of parchment can take away your divine right to cause me psychic damage

@Joshua thank you for acknowledging 🫡


did not expect this

easy choice