Will Destiny re-negotiate/lower Qorantos's salary by July 1 2024?
resolved Jul 16

Will Qorantos have his salary decreased by July 1 2024 due to Destiny being dissatisfied with his work or thinking that Qorantos is not worth paying his current salary?

In August 2023, it was revealed that Qorantos makes anywhere between 2k to 5k a month for co-hosting KoK. When Qorantos's work ethic was poor during that time, Destiny was considering lowering his salary:

As far as we know, there hasn't been any adjustments to Qorantos's initial salary nor has he tried out any other co-host. Will Destiny change his mind and adjust Qorantos' pay by July 1 2024?

This salary re-negotiation must be driven by the fact that Destiny no longer thinks Qorantos is worth paying his current salary. For example, if the salary adjustment comes from them taking on a sponsor and Qorantos wants a change in compensation in exchange for a decrease in his salary, that would not count as a YES resolution. Or if Destiny suddenly goes broke and can no longer afford to pay his employees as much as he currently does, that will also not count as a YES resolution.

Also, if Qorantos is fired/quits without any discussion of lower compensation, this market will resolve to a NO if nothing changes from that point afterwards.

If Qorantos is fired/quits and later it is revealed that he quit over Destiny trying to lower his compensation, this market will resolve to a YES.

If Qorantos is fired/quits and then comes back at a lower compensation, this market will resolve to a YES.

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resolves NO


If Destiny takes him back at a lower salary, this market will resolve YES.

bought Ṁ20 NO

Also, if Qorantos is fired/quits without any discussion of lower compensation, this market will resolve to a NO if nothing changes from that point afterwards.

resolves NO

@strutheo oh no wait - how long afterward can this market reopen...?

@strutheo basically if it is confirmed Qorantos is fired and he doesn't try to come back at a lower compensation by July 1, this market will resolve to a NO.

4THOT (Destiny's reddit and discord moderator) hinting that Qorantos is already gone.

So if Qorantos is fired this resolves NO?

@Agh hmm.. didn't consider that, but I guess yes because his salary would decrease to 0. If Q is fired before July 1 2024, this market will resolve to a YES.

@Agh Actually, I change my mind. If Qorantos is fired/quits without any discussion of lower his salary, this market will resolve to a NO.

However, if Qorantos quits because Destiny re-negotiates and offers him lower compensation, I will count that as a YES resolution. If Qorantos spergs out as response and is fired because of his reaction to the re-negotiation, I will count that as a YES resolution.

bought Ṁ10 NO from 84% to 75%

@PunishedFurry So if Destiny just fires him because he's not worth the money, it resolves NO?

@Tumbles It would be hard to imagine Destiny not trying to re-negotiate before just firing someone, but sure, that would resolve to a NO.

Maybe I should just change my market question to "Will Destiny re-negotiate or try to lower Qorantos's current compensation?"