What will happen before I next physically see American flags at half-staff? [Add your own!]
Jimmy Carter dies
Dec 7, 2024 @ 12:00AM EST, Pearl Harbor Day
A US State Senator dies while in office. https://www.senate.gov/senators/SenatorsDiedinOffice.htm
Connecticut River Bridge collapses https://maps.app.goo.gl/jSH9GDJHTRry1Qs68
US government shutdown
Dec 25, 2024 @ 12:00AM EST, Christmas
Trump sentenced to jail/prison at any level of jurisdiction
Reuters publishes an article stating something to the effect of World War III starting (in a way that would convince a reasonable person that history might remember this event as the start of it)
Successful assassination of anybody nominated for the 2024 Presidential election
After market creation, JD Vance shaves his beard cleanly off. (Mustache ignored.)
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_school_shootings_in_the_United_States_%282000%E2%80%93present%29?wprov=sfla1 has a new school shooting listed after September 10th, 2024. (resolves to 12:00am EST of listed date, not at page update)
2024 VP debate happens
The video game Forever Winter goes into Early Access
US Prez OR Acting Prez declares a state of emergency

All options resolve YES if they are observed before I personally see TWO different American flags being flown at half-staff on the same day and after market creation. All others, NO. If I do not have any trading activity for 2 consecutive months, mods can assume I'm dead and that I will never see another flag.

Permutations of the American flag like the thin-blue-line or pride flags don't count. It must be the most up-to-date, standard flag.

In case it matters, I live in Springfield MA, and I have an approximately 15-20 minute long drive to and from work on weekdays.

If somebody reminds me to go outside and touch grass to see if flags are at half-staff, and if the comment piques my interest, I'll try to oblige. Feel free to add your own options for Ṁ25. If they're ambiguous, I am the final judge.

I won't bet on this market.

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@Quroe Oops, I "Gettier Problem'd" the resolution criteria for this. That's not the correct state of emergency.

This is the correct justification.


No half-staff flags seen since last check in. The state of this market is current and alive.

Just saw a flag at half-staff at 2:55pm EST. The count for the day is 1 out of 2.

And that's where it stands for the day.

Another close call!

I saw a different flag at half-staff last night at 9:25pm EST. I think it was a office park or plaza flag. It was different than the car dealership, but I didn't drive by that one last night.

The counter has reset back to 0 of 2 with the new day.

Close call!

On a late night drive on Sep 19, I saw 10 American flags, and 1 of them was at half-staff at 11:14pm EST! I'm glad that I stipulated that 2 half-staff flags need to be observed. It was a car dealership, and I suspect they flew it at half-staff to keep it positioned in light beams, keeping it properly lit. I don't think I'll see that flag often, but it may show up again on evening drives I may take over the weekend.

The count reset at midnight. At time of posting, I have seen 0 flags today.

Successful assassination of anybody nominated for the 2024 Presidential election

To clarify, this DOES include VP running mates.