Am I gonna regret running a weekly makerspace event with childcare so that I have more time to work on DIY projects?
resolved Jul 7
Yes - you don't get time to work on projects because you are managing the event
No - and you will get more time to work on DIY projects
No - you don't get time to work on projects because you are managing the event, but you don't regret it anwyays
Yes - you get time to work on DIY projects but still regret the work it takes to run the event

I'm thinking to run a weekly event on Saturday mornings from 10am to noon, where high school students provide playcare at a makerspace so parents can work on sewing, mending, knitting, 3D printing, laser cutting, and maybe even woodworking. My dream is to be able to eventually train the high school students to do set up and tear down so that all I have to do is collect class fees and pay the students, and then i can bring my three young kids to play and work on my projects. I posted in a local moms group and have a dozen comments from parents excited about the idea. Will I reach my goal? And whether or not I reach my goal - will I regret trying? I think the first event will be April 27th, and I'll decide if I regret it in 2 months.

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update: i am chickening out of running an event for other people due to overwhelm. So I will start with running the event JUST FOR MYSELF and the high school student will play with my kids and I will work on my own projects. Maybe later when I'm feeling more brave i can invite some friends.

This sounds so cool!! How reliable are the high school students? That seems like the biggest possible management headache to me

@ian the main one volunteers at church sunday school and i think my kids kinda know them already