By 2030 will we have video-to-video where an LLM can continue any video prompt in any way you like?

Making this a 3 year market at first, and if it resolves NO in 3 years i'll start up a new one. Planning on having an in-depth discussion on this possibility and betting YES. I find talking about things and trying to provide evidence for and against in the meantime which i think makes things more realizable in the meantime and sparks more knowledge and information gathering for those who share common interests and for new markets to form.

Criteria (Work in Progress)

1. Think of an interview or podcast that is 3 hours long. Imagine you can use this as a video prompt. The video-to-video I'm imagining should be able to continue the interview or podcast for however long the user wants in the accompanying text prompt if anything. Anything in an accompanying text prompt, through the use of it being coupled to the video prompt given, should be able to seamlessly be added to the continuing or modification of it. A good example would be if you wrote a text prompt saying "I want the video given to continue for 3 hours with this new kind of content or context, in this style of talking, but with the same level of depth that already exists in it throughout" it should be able to do it. It doesn't need to not have errors but one should be able to, if imagining infinite potential to re-prompt be able to get non-trivial results, both in the first place and with more attempts.
