🧙 I’m running a D&D campaign! What will happen? [Add your own response]
resolved Jun 11
Session 1 recap: Overall it went well! We had a lot of fun, here's the market-relevant highlights: In a strange turn of events, the warlock player is actually certified clown and came in with balloon swords and armor for themselves and other players (player wears an accessory of their character: resolves YES) Immediately after starting, without any hesitation, the bard attempted to flirt the bartender for cheap drinks and succeeded. But nothing more than flirting (yet), so the seducing market doesn't resolve yet. However, they were flirting pretty hard, and a discount on the room was condition on a late night visit from the bartender, so it's only a matter of time. The players are investigating the theft of an important artifact from the church. While investigating, the warlock managed to create a good enough distraction to steal a different artifact from the church. The item is the sword of a legendary warrior, but I don't have stats for it because I wasn't expecting them to break into a church to commit a nearly identical crime to the one they're solving, but their plan was solid so I let it happen. It'll likely be a +1 sword with a fun critical effect. This doesn't resolve any market immediately, but may change a few markets related to magic items. Rapid fire round: Technical difficulties: YES, but this was mostly due to audio issues, and not internet, so the player having trouble with internet market doesn't resolve yet. Player does accent: YES, druid is doing a fun voice Player intentionally mispronounces a name: YES, rogue called the prismatic order the pentagon Bard sings: YES, weirdly not in response to anything in game. The player just felt like singing a sea shanty while I looked something up. But the question is worded in a way that makes it still count. No combat in a session: YES, I planned for combat but they moved much slower than I expected. Player takes no damage: Not yet. There was no combat, but the bard irritated an NPCs pet crab (his name is rocky, and I love him), which snipped at them for 4 damage. Break halfling out of prison: not yet. but they did threaten to kill at least 4 people and only didn't because of witnesses. They'll be in more remote areas 2-3 session from now, but there's still time to get thrown in prison before then. I'll stop now to keep it brief, but if there's points you want more details on just let me know. Thanks for betting!
Session 2 recap: I didn’t realize that I hadn’t posted this, sorry for the wait 🙃 here’s the market relevant info: For some reason the players had this fixation on a rare plant that I mentioned. They discussed selling the plant (which they didn’t have yet), farming the plant, making fake versions of the plant, selling the fake plants, convincing people to invest in their fake plant business, etc. the plant is obscure so no one really knew what they were talking about, and none of this went anywhere. (Players obsessing over a detail that means nothing: resolves YES) They met a Dragonborn, which I would consider half dragon. If the players were to go into a dungeon, the option for encountering a dungeon and a dragon will resolve to at least 50%. Cleric / warlock seems to be slowly becoming more evil, he threatened a researcher and stole a bunch of their notes that were of marginal value to him, but would set the researcher’s work back by several months In this session not much resolved since this session was mostly roleplay and exploration. But there’s some fun stuff set up for next session. Things left off with them about to be attacked by “Ugo”, a hulking brute who is not happy that the players stole an object he was tasked to protect. The players attempted to run away, but 2 of them failed and are trapped in a room with Ugo. I had balanced the fight to be fair if all 5 players were to fight him, so the 2 that are stuck may be in trouble. We’ll see how that plays out in the next session, which is scheduled for April 14th
Session 3! The players didn't all die (somehow) and handled their first serious combat very well. Some of them went down, but they were able to strategize well enough to come out on top despite the odds being heavily against them. Two players went down over the course of the session, but all 3 death saves made were successes, so "PC fails a death saving throw" stays unresolved. The wizard was out of things to do in a fight, and just did eldritch blast over and over (Three cantrips in a row: YES) During combat, the spore druid thought for a long time about doing a wildshape, but decided against it, so "Spore druid uses wild shape" also stays unresolved. They attempted (but failed) to recruit one random NPC, so "The characters try to recruit 3 or more NPCs" is 1/3 of the way there. (This is actually from last session but I forgot to resolve it, sorry) Two players were told to fight to the death, but didn't want to, so they killed a random bystander. After a good persuasion check it was ruled that since the people making them fight didn't specify who's death, it counts. (A character murders someone completely unrelated to the story: YES) Also, they leveled up! They're now level 4. There's probably 2-3 session left in the adventure I currently have planned, after which we will take a short break and see if we want to continue. Continuing will mostly be dependent on timing / scheduling, so we'll see how that goes.
I've been bad at updating this, so I'm going to combine the last few sessions into one update post. They've finished the adventure, so I'm going to resolve everything with this update. The bard successfully seduced an NPC. It went horribly. They didn't know that one of the NPC's advisors was moments from assassinating them, and used the seduction as an opening to attack. So it went from beautiful romantic confession, to them being unceremoniously killed. I couldn't have planned it better if I tried (A character successfully seduces someone: YES) I designed a massive dungeon from scratch with tons of environmental details and interesting information in each room. Players rushed through it as fast as possible and explored almost none of it (The players ignore a thing the DM spent 2+ hours preparing: YES) Some players were briefly arrested for stealing a sword back in session one. They were questioned but talked their way out of it before being let go (A character is arrested while doing something unrelated to the plot: YES) One player canceled right as the session started (A player says they can’t make it less than 2 hours before a session starts: YES) One player dropped out near the end of the adventure (One player leaves the game before the 8th session: YES) At the very end of the campaign, the druid briefly turned into a shark (Spore druid uses wild shape: YES) PC fails a death saving throw: YES Any player will notify me in advance of a scheduling conflict without being prompted by the DM: NO That's it! We might play more in the future, but need a break as a lot of people are moving and starting new jobs. Since the adventure is now over, I'll also resolve all the things that didn't happen.
The DM writes at least 50 pages (15,000 words) of notes for their adventure
A player obsesses over a detail the DM mentions that means absolutely nothing
The DM writes at least 75 pages of notes for the adventure (22,500 words)
A character successfully seduces someone
The players ignore a thing the DM spent 2+ hours preparing
Someone playing a bard actually sings
A player is 30+ minutes late
The first session will take place on March 3rd (third time scheduling it)
There are technical difficulties with the video call
PC fails a death saving throw
Spore druid uses wild shape
A character murders someone completely unrelated to the story
A character is arrested while doing something unrelated to the plot
A player roleplays with an accent
The DM writes at least 100 pages of notes for the adventure (30,000 words)
The first session will take place on March 2nd (as planned)
A player has trouble with their internet connection during a session.
A player arrives to the session with an unexpected prop or costumery
Player 2 credits their traumatic backstory when something they do proves useful
Bard sings sea shanties flirtatiously

I’m running a 4-5 session dungeons and dragons campaign with some friends. Bet on what antics they get up to!

You can add your own responses! I’ll resolve answers as soon as they happen and give updates in the comments.

I may N/A answers that are duplicates, the outcome is obvious, or if it would be difficult for me to keep track of.

I won’t trade for profit on this market, but I may place 1-2 mana bets to show which direction I think is more likely

This market will stay open until the campaign ends.

About the Campaign

We’re playing D&D 5e, in a homebrew setting that I’ve been working on long before this campaign

Player 1: Half-elf bard who is a sailor, they’ve prepared sea shanties to sing for every spell.

Player 2: First time playing. Tiefling ranger with a traumatic backstory and dead parents.

Player 3: Halfling rogue. Murderhobo vibes.

Player 4: Merfolk who loves mushrooms and became a spore druid

Player 5: A cleric who became a warlock accidentally and hates it

DM (Me): Played in 3 campaigns, and DM’d 3 others. Loves to make custom settings with tons of lore that players never notice 🫠

The game will happen over video call, and they’ll start at level 3.


These terms are here to clarify who the conditions apply to. You don't have to use them when adding responses, but if you do it'll be less ambiguous.

  • Character (PC): A fictional person in the campaign played by a player

  • Player: One of the people listed in the "about the campaign" section

  • The DM: @TonyPepperoni

  • NPC: Any fictional person in the campaign that is not a character

  • Enemy: An NPC that was created to impede the player's progress. DM decides what counts as an enemy

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I've been bad at updating this, so I'm going to combine the last few sessions into one update post. They've finished the adventure, so I'm going to resolve everything with this update.

The bard successfully seduced an NPC. It went horribly. They didn't know that one of the NPC's advisors was moments from assassinating them, and used the seduction as an opening to attack. So it went from beautiful romantic confession, to them being unceremoniously killed. I couldn't have planned it better if I tried (A character successfully seduces someone: YES)

I designed a massive dungeon from scratch with tons of environmental details and interesting information in each room. Players rushed through it as fast as possible and explored almost none of it (The players ignore a thing the DM spent 2+ hours preparing: YES)

Some players were briefly arrested for stealing a sword back in session one. They were questioned but talked their way out of it before being let go (A character is arrested while doing something unrelated to the plot: YES)

One player canceled right as the session started (A player says they can’t make it less than 2 hours before a session starts: YES)

One player dropped out near the end of the adventure (One player leaves the game before the 8th session: YES)

At the very end of the campaign, the druid briefly turned into a shark (Spore druid uses wild shape: YES)

PC fails a death saving throw: YES

Any player will notify me in advance of a scheduling conflict without being prompted by the DM: NO

That's it! We might play more in the future, but need a break as a lot of people are moving and starting new jobs. Since the adventure is now over, I'll also resolve all the things that didn't happen.

Closed? Campaign ongoing? 🧙

Session 3!

The players didn't all die (somehow) and handled their first serious combat very well. Some of them went down, but they were able to strategize well enough to come out on top despite the odds being heavily against them.

Two players went down over the course of the session, but all 3 death saves made were successes, so "PC fails a death saving throw" stays unresolved.

The wizard was out of things to do in a fight, and just did eldritch blast over and over (Three cantrips in a row: YES)

During combat, the spore druid thought for a long time about doing a wildshape, but decided against it, so "Spore druid uses wild shape" also stays unresolved.

They attempted (but failed) to recruit one random NPC, so "The characters try to recruit 3 or more NPCs" is 1/3 of the way there.

(This is actually from last session but I forgot to resolve it, sorry) Two players were told to fight to the death, but didn't want to, so they killed a random bystander. After a good persuasion check it was ruled that since the people making them fight didn't specify who's death, it counts. (A character murders someone completely unrelated to the story: YES)

Also, they leveled up! They're now level 4.

There's probably 2-3 session left in the adventure I currently have planned, after which we will take a short break and see if we want to continue. Continuing will mostly be dependent on timing / scheduling, so we'll see how that goes.

Session 2 recap:

I didn’t realize that I hadn’t posted this, sorry for the wait 🙃 here’s the market relevant info:

For some reason the players had this fixation on a rare plant that I mentioned. They discussed selling the plant (which they didn’t have yet), farming the plant, making fake versions of the plant, selling the fake plants, convincing people to invest in their fake plant business, etc. the plant is obscure so no one really knew what they were talking about, and none of this went anywhere. (Players obsessing over a detail that means nothing: resolves YES)

They met a Dragonborn, which I would consider half dragon. If the players were to go into a dungeon, the option for encountering a dungeon and a dragon will resolve to at least 50%.

Cleric / warlock seems to be slowly becoming more evil, he threatened a researcher and stole a bunch of their notes that were of marginal value to him, but would set the researcher’s work back by several months

In this session not much resolved since this session was mostly roleplay and exploration. But there’s some fun stuff set up for next session. Things left off with them about to be attacked by “Ugo”, a hulking brute who is not happy that the players stole an object he was tasked to protect. The players attempted to run away, but 2 of them failed and are trapped in a room with Ugo. I had balanced the fight to be fair if all 5 players were to fight him, so the 2 that are stuck may be in trouble. We’ll see how that plays out in the next session, which is scheduled for April 14th

bought Ṁ5 Answer #303d7aaefc32 YES

@TonyPepperoni Still no inspiration granted?

@Najawin Nope, I like to give it out but I rarely remember to do it. Also this group is more murder hobo inclined, so there haven’t been many displays of heroism to reward.

@TonyPepperoni Giving it out for "displays of heroism" is very much not the standard usage afaik... (Certainly as a DM that's not how I distribute it. My players would never end up getting it.)

this is a duplicate

@shankypanky The players have to die to resolve it yes, not just the characters

@Unown unserious answer lol

@Unown lol, the odds are (hopefully) too low to be interesting to bet on. I’m gonna N/A it

reminds me of all the questions about players vs. PCs here

A player arrives to the session with an unexpected prop or costumery

I'm imagining the Bard really identifying with his character lol

When's the next session? 🧙

@shankypanky We were planning to do next Sunday on the 17th, but we planned that a while ago so we may need to move it if there’s new conflicts

@shankypanky Forgot to say this earlier, but we didn’t do last week since someone was out of town. But we are planning to do the second session tonight :)

@TonyPepperoni oh nice I was just thinking about this yesterday and wondering ✨

Do the players know about this market, or manifold?

@RemiRampin he answered this way in an earlier comment (it's a bit buried now):

> None of them use manifold, and the players I’ve discussed this market with said they wouldn’t look at it, so I don’t think anyone is going to seduce and murder their friends for profit.

@shankypanky Ah yes apologies, and thanks

@RemiRampin no apologies! just wanted to give you context when I copied it over that's all. it's a relevant question!


Session 1 recap:

Overall it went well! We had a lot of fun, here's the market-relevant highlights:

In a strange turn of events, the warlock’s player is actually certified clown and came in with balloon swords and armor for themselves and other players (player wears an accessory of their character: resolves YES)

Immediately after starting, without any hesitation, the bard attempted to flirt the bartender for cheap drinks and succeeded. But nothing more than flirting, so the seducing market doesn't resolve. However, they were flirting pretty hard, and a discount on the room was conditional on a late night visit from the bartender, so it's only a matter of time.

The players are investigating the theft of an important artifact from the church. While investigating, the warlock managed to create a good enough distraction to steal a different, unrelated artifact from the church. The item is the sword of a legendary warrior, but I don't have stats for it because I wasn't expecting them to break into a church to commit a nearly identical crime to the one they're solving, but their plan was solid so I let it happen. It'll likely be a +1 sword with a fun critical effect. This doesn't resolve any market immediately, but may change a few markets related to magic items.

Rapid fire round:

  • Technical difficulties: YES, but this was mostly due to audio issues, and not internet, so the player having trouble with internet market doesn't resolve yet.

  • Player does accent: YES, druid is doing a fun voice

  • Player intentionally mispronounces a name: YES, rogue called the prismatic order the pentagon

  • Bard sings: YES, weirdly not in response to anything in game. The player just felt like singing a sea shanty while I looked something up. But the question is worded in a way that makes it still count.

  • No combat in a session: YES, I planned for combat but they moved much slower than I expected.

  • Player takes no damage: Not yet. There was no combat, but the bard irritated an NPCs pet crab (his name is rocky, and I love him), which snipped at them for 4 damage.

  • Break halfling out of prison: not yet. but they did threaten to kill at least 4 people and only didn't because of witnesses. They'll be in more remote areas 2-3 session from now, but there's still time to get thrown in prison before then.

I'll stop now to keep it brief, but if there's points you want more details on just let me know. Thanks for betting!


Immediately after starting, without any hesitation, the bard attempted to flirt the bartender for cheap drinks and succeeded. But nothing more than flirting (yet), so the seducing market doesn't resolve yet. However, they were flirting pretty hard, and a discount on the room was condition on a late night visit from the bartender, so it's only a matter of time.

this is hilarious this bard is the one to watch out for. I'm going to add in an option for flirtatious sea shanties.

The first session should be starting in about 2 hours. I'll be resolving answers whenever they happen (if I remember, there's a lot to keep track of). After the session is done I'll resolve anything that I missed and put together a recap so you all have some info about what is going on.