Full disclosure I don't know my IQ yet. I will respond to any questions in the comment as long as it doesn't threaten my pseudo anonimity. Or if I find the question pointless, or for any other arbitrary reason, (too many questions, ...).
A little bit about me;
I was a promising child (the kikd to be very curious, invested in class, without the need to work at home?, people had a lot of hope for my scholarship.
I caught a phone/game addiction, that ... Made it harder for the studies.
I ended up, dropping twice of university.
I hate, and don't have the motivation to work at my home. I much prefer learning and discovering thing here and there, ...
Feel free to ask any other question.
PS: I will book an appointment for a professional IQ test if at least 20 people bet on this market. (Subject to change, depending on my motivation to pass one (and state of my finances))
@XavierBaton: have you taken any standardized tests, and if so what scores did you get?
(In the absence of other evidence I am assuming that you are probably not much smarter than average.)
@duck_master I have not. The only "professional evidence" that could hint to a different than avaerage IQ, is one of my therapist (which I thought was a psychologist, but actually not) thought I might be HPI. Which would mean "High intellectual potential" if I had to translate. And I agree with your reasonning. I just regret that the top of my curve is actually just one standard deviation above the norm.
@NiciusB i was just gonna respond to you ^^. But I still stick to the description. The tough thing might just be to choose when to pull the trigger