Will I get a chess rating of 1000+ in 2024?
Jan 1

I started playing chess in December 2023 and I am wondering whether I will hit 1000 this year.

My Chess.com profile: https://www.chess.com/member/sooneboone

My rating is ~700 as of market creation on May 25th 2024.

I don't commit to playing all year. I might get bored and stop.

Resolves YES if I get a rating of at least 1000 in any game mode (except for puzzles) on Chess.com or Lichess during 2024.

Resolves NO on January 1st 2025 otherwise.

I can only buy and sell YES shares in this market.

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Looked at three or four of your games and would slightly refine my advice:
- For tactics: focus on 'Mate in 1' and 'capture hanging piece' puzzles. Also, when you do the puzzles, understand why it is mate in 1. Often you can guess the correct move based on the fact you are told it is a mate in 1 puzzle. It is nice to learn about more advanced tactics (like skewers and forks) but that is not the deciding factor for you.

Anyway, good luck with the chess! Fingers crossed!!!

1) Are you only playing games or also doing tactics puzzles? From everything I have read, drilling tactics - even just 10 to 20% of the time - should help you improve your chess.

2) Can also recommend Aman's series 'Building Habits'. Provides concrete simple rules and shows them in practice, starting right from beginner. One of the habits is hard to maintain as a beginner (don't hang a piece) but the others should be easier to implement. It is also entertaining in its own right! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=axRvksIZpGc

Thanks! I do the daily puzzle + 3 free puzzles on chess.com and a bunch of Lichess puzzles every day. They don't say what type of puzzles they are and I just have to play the best move in a given position. I'll check out the series, seems interesting!

I should clarify that I'd been playing 5-minute blitz games when I was over 700 and switched to 3|2 which still counts as blitz rating but seems to have more skillful players at these ratings so I dropped to around 600. Players I play against have rapid ratings of 900-1400 so it might be easier to get to 1000+ if I played rapid games, but I like playing 3|2 right now. Sorry if you'd like me to resolve faster (blame manifold for removing loans). I will try Lichess at some point.

May I play a game against you someday? I would like some insider info about your chances to reach this rating.

Sure. Feel free to add me and challenge me whenever. You can also look at games I've played on my profile. I was already destroyed by someone else from Manifold: https://www.chess.com/live/game/112036944665

i find playing bullet the easiest since i dont have to always outplay the opponent but just outspeed and make sure i dont do huge blunders by mistake.

Meanwhile I am awful at games below 10m - my brain is too slow

What is your lichess rating?

I haven't played ranked games there yet

Most people's ELO on lichess is about 200 higher than on Chess.com - it's possible you could hit 1000 on Lichess today

I am pretty sure the difference is even bigger.

Lichess default rating starts at 1500. I think it starts at 1000 on chesscom.

How many games is needed to count lichess rating as stabilised? Losing the first match and getting 1500-200=1300 would technically be above 1000, but against the spirit of the question.

I definitely wouldn't resolve until after a reasonable amount of games played.

There are rating comparison sites which can convert them.

According to https://chessgoals.com/rating-comparison/#lichesschesscom, 600 blitz @ chess.com is 1030ยฑ75 blitz and 1215ยฑ95 rapid at lichess.

Update: Down to 600

In case it needed saying, your score hasn't actually gone down as much as it's just experiencing natural variation

bought แน€50 NO

Would you be willing to share your age range? Asking because It is harder to climb when older

@Bayesian I'm 27

you got this 100%

Update: Down to 700 again

Update: I hit 800 today

I was able to go up 100 elo a week by playing an hour a day. How much time do you intend to put towards this in the short term?

@ElliotDavies I've played ~6.7 games (5 min blitz) per day in the last 30 days and will probably continue in that pace.