Will Kurdistan hold elections before the end of 2024?
Jan 1

The Kurdistan Region in Iraq is due for parliamentary elections, last holding them in 2018. Elections have been delayed several times, originally set for 2022, then for late 2023, and now appear unlikely for Feb 2024. The UN has stressed that elections should not be delayed again.

Some of the delays are due to disputes between the two leading political parties, the KDP and the PUK, which are dominated by two rival political dynasties, the Barzanis and the Talabanis. The two groups disagree over rules governing the elections, have engaged in political violence against each other, and have run "their own administrative bodies, their own Peshmerga forces, and their own counterterrorism and intelligence units for nearly 30 years."

The Iraqi Federal Supreme Court has effectively compelled elections by preventing the Kurdistani parliament from extending its existing mandate, but the Iraqi electoral commission has also caused delays.

Note: The main source used in this question's description is Rudaw, a Kurdistani media group that is "widely believed to be affiliated with Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani."

Will an election in Kurdistan take place before the end of 2024?

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Resolved the February question NO.

Rudaw is reporting that a June date was discussed most recently by the electoral commission, and that voter registration for the delayed election concluded in February.