resolved Jul 21

This market will resolve to "Yes" if President Joe Biden officially announces his withdrawal or is confirmed to have withdrawn from the 2024 US presidential race.

In the event of any extenuating circumstances that prevent Joe Biden from continuing the race, this market will also resolve to "Yes".

If Joe Biden does not drop out or is not forced to withdraw from the 2024 Presidential Election by 12:01 AM ET on November 5, 2024, this market will resolve to "No".

The primary resolution source for this market will be official information from Joe Biden or his official/legal representatives, however a consensus of credible reporting will also be used.

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@d resolves YES

bought Ṁ12,000 YES

@d This can resolve YES

@d confirmed, resolves yes! Would love the mana back soon.

bought Ṁ300 NO

All indications are at this point that he will not drop out-- his inner circle seems to have completely absolved itself of it's duty to the country not to encourage a senile late-stage dementia patient to run for president. Unfortunate. It's a slap in the face to the electorate to be honest.

I could be wrong if his health declines much more in the next three months but dementia is characterised by a slow decline so I put this at about ~10-15%, given it seems he's lost most of his fluid IQ already, there's not much further to go.

sold Ṁ171 NO

Cutting my losses-- the 'forced to resign due to COVID' stunt was craftier than I gave the Dems and Biden credit for.

You think it’s a stunt?

As I understand it before he was diagnosed he mentioned in an interview that 'he would [?drop out] if a medical situation came up'. Don't have a source, link one if you find it.

I don't think it was a stunt in the sense that he intentionally caught covid.