Will any national team captain wear a rainbow LGBT armband during the game at Qatar World Cup 2022?
resolved Dec 18

As this question stirred some doubts - I am clarifying: this market asks about an armband with an LGBT rainbow set of colors, as applied on example below:

To bet on "One Love" armband, please visit this market:

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Using my admin to resolve this to expedite the tournament results.

predicted NO

@SG Does this have to be part of the tournament group to affect that leaderboard?

predicted NO

@NeonNuke Sorry nvm, didn't realise only 3 groups are shown.

This can be resolved now, I believe.

As this question stirred some doubts - I am clarifying: this market asks about an LGBT rainbow armband, as presented below:

To bet on "One Love" armband, please visit this market:

predicted NO

@kolotom99 *as presented below, or another armband which presents LGBT rainbow set of colors

predicted NO
predicted NO
predicted NO

@Zardoru Who knows, maybe some captain will rebel ;)

predicted NO

@kolotom99 That would be great, but I still bet no at 30%

predicted NO

How do you think - should alternative "One Love" armbands count as LGBT flags?
In my opinion, no.

predicted NO

@kolotom99 Since some time it is quite certain that few teams will wear One Love armbands - but still price is at 70%. Would like to hear participants' voice here

@kolotom99 Since the meaning and the repercussions might be the same, I do believe they should count

predicted NO

@kolotom99 This is clearly not a rainbow, it's a carefully crafted compromise to make everyone happy. No real offence to qatar, Western nations get to have some symbolic resistance

predicted NO

@WieDan I bought no with the idea this wouldn't count in any case

predicted YES

@WieDan FIFA is against is used exactly because it might offend Qatar, and they are trying to suppress its use:


predicted NO

@RafaelZamora If they were really against it they'd take more drastic action and put more serious pressure,they have in the past. This is clearly kabuki

@kolotom99 this is exactly the armband that is causing the current frictions between the British+German football associations and the FIFA. I don’t think it is a “compromise” at all, but the attempt to also include other causes.

predicted NO

@Daconomist but most of western teams have claimed to use it

predicted NO

@RafaelZamora Apart from everything else the wording of the market says "rainbow" pretty clearly. I take that to mean a specific symbol, and this is not a rainbow, both not the literal rainbow, nor the famous rainbow flag. So it would be very misleading to then accept any symbol that is deemed 'equivalent' by arbitrary interpretation imo

predicted NO

@WieDan You have a point. LGBT rainbow is specific colors, too

Will any national team captain wear a rainbow LGBT armband during the game at Qatar World Cup 2022?, 8k, beautiful, illustration, trending on art station, picture of the day, epic composition