Does OpenAI's Q* 'breakthrough' represent a significant advance in AI capabilities?

Resolvse to the opinion of the AI safety community, whenever information that could resolve this comes out and consensus is reached, on my judgement or the judgement of a moderator resolution council if a single person disputes it

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Could you clarify what you think should or shouldn't count count as a breakthrough?

predicts NO


In spirit, the idea is if it's something worth being interested in or nervous about in terms of AI capabilities. So the idea is, if I'm thinking about AI safety, or the general rate of AI advancement, should I pay any attentiont to what Q* is? This is obviously pretty fuzzy, but I don't think there's a less soft way to make a market on the topic, considering I don't know too much about what the thing is or what it accomplished.

Some potentially useful clarifications :)
- does it need to have ultimately been related to the firing?
- some anchors (e.g. would Transformers, GPT-3, GPT-4, RLHF, AlphaGo, AlphaZero, OpenAI Five etc be counted as 'significant capabilities advances')
- If Q* is a model, does it matter if the underlying approach needs to be subsequently scaled up?

1) No, edited title
2) Transformers, gpt-3 and 4, alphago, alphazero, and rlhf would count. No position on openai five.
3) No

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