Will a Florida school district say they plan to incorporate PragerU Kids content before November 6, 2024?
Nov 6


Content produced by PragerU (PragerU Kids) has been approved for use in supplementary curriculum by the state of Florida, but it is still at each district's discretion whether to use it.


The question's interest lies in whether any Florida school district plans to incorporate PragerU content into school cirriculum before the next Presidential Election. The school year in Florida for 2023-2024 starts Aug. 10, 2023, but what might happen next year is also of interest, especially as it might impact the U.S. presidential election (or be used to do so).

Resolution Criteria

This market will resolve YES if there are credible reports before November 6, 2024, about a school district in Florida that says it plans to incorporate PragerU content into their cirriculum ("PragerU" or "PragerU Kids" is fine). As long as it is a statement that they say they plan to incorporate it, or, if they actually do so, it will resolve YES. If the district backpedals later and changes their minds, this question will stlil resolve YES. Parents that "opt-out" will not be a factor for this question's resolution.

Clarification of the Term "Plan" for Adoption of PragerU Content:

For the purposes of this question, the term "plan" refers to an official intent or decision by a school district in Florida to incorporate PragerU content ("PragerU" or "PragerU Kids") into their curriculum. The term "plan" encompasses, but is not limited to, the following scenarios:

  1. Official Statements: Any official statements made by the school district, its representatives, or governing bodies indicating a definite intention to use or incorporate PragerU content into their curriculum. These statements should use phrasing such as "plan to use," "will incorporate," "are using," or "have incorporated."

  2. School Board Approval: The outcome of a school board vote or resolution that explicitly approves the inclusion of PragerU content in the district's curriculum. This includes instances where the curriculum is formally amended or updated to include PragerU content.

  3. Documentation: Any documented evidence, such as official minutes from school board committee meetings, that confirms the district's decision or intention to include PragerU content as part of their curriculum.

The term "plan" specifically excludes speculative or uncertain language such as "may," "might," "considering," "exploring," or similar expressions that do not unequivocally convey a firm intention to incorporate PragerU content into the curriculum.

Reports that fulfill the criteria outlined above will be considered as indicating a "plan" to adopt PragerU content. Reports that do not meet these criteria, or that rely on speculative language, will not be considered as indicating a "plan" for the purposes of resolving this question.

Source Credibility and Requirements:

For the purpose of determining the outcome of this question, sources reporting on a school district's intention to incorporate PragerU content ("PragerU" or "PragerU Kids") into their curriculum must meet credibility criteria. To be considered credible, a source must adhere to the following requirements:

  1. Type of Sources: Reports must originate from at least two independent and reputable sources. Acceptable source types include:

    • Newspapers: Reports from established newspapers.

    • Television Stations: Reports from well known news stations.

    • School District's Website: Reports published on the website of the school district in question, such as official press releases, announcements, or board meeting minutes.

    • School Board Committee Meetings: Reports must provide verifiable evidence of a school board committee meeting discussing and confirming the district's intention to incorporate PragerU content into the curriculum. A link to the meeting stream, minutes, or official documentation should be provided to validate the report.

  2. Authorship and Attribution: Reports must attribute the information to sources, such as school district spokesperson, school district officials, school board representatives, or other relevant figures. The source need not be explicitly named (for example, "a spokesperson for the Broward School District" is sufficient.)

  3. Accuracy and Context: Reports must present accurate and contextually relevant information regarding the district's intention to incorporate PragerU content. Any information taken out of context or used to misrepresent the situation will not be considered credible.

  4. Date and Timing: Reports must be published before November 6, 2024, to be considered for the resolution of this question.

Resolution Time

If I cannot find at least two reports of a school district planning to adopt or adopting the content into their cirriculum by November 6, 2024 (12 PM EST), the question will resolve NO. If I can find at least two reports, it will resolve YES.

Please comment with sources you find prior to the question resolution time, so I can resolve it early if this ends up being the case (I will mostly be using Google Alerts to keep track).

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The first reporting I've found in my google alerts in a long time is an update that says districts aren't using it, although it sounds like they didn't contact every district.

Cites Volusia and Sarasota school districts as telling teachers to use the PragerU content to meet Civics/Government standards, but this is not a good enough attribution according to my criteria: "school districts told us" doesn't say who they talked to or their position, so I'm not counting this report.

This reddit user has better reporting standards: https://www.reddit.com/r/florida/comments/15mjjm5/comment/jvj0rj8/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3