Easter $30 million cash heist: which of the following will happen?
Jan 1
An anonymous tip leading to new information is reported to have been received
The theft is confirmed to be an inside job
At least $1 million is recovered
A suspect is arrested
No arrests are made
The full $30 million is recovered

On Easter Sunday, March 31, 2024, a reported $30 million was stolen from a money storage facility in the San Fernando Valley of Los Angeles.

According to the LA Times, a "burglary crew broke through the roof of the Gardaworld building" and then breached the safe where the money was stored. At least one alarm was triggered during the crime, but "it was not connected to local law enforcement." The theft was not discovered until employees opened the vault Monday. The FBI and LAPD are jointly investigating. As of 4/4/2024, there are no suspects.

What do y'all think will happen in the months following this wild theft? Feel free to add markets, I'm also happy to extend the date if there is a consensus.

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bought แน€180 No arrests are made NO

I assume in the case of multiple suspects being arrested, "a suspect is arrested" will resolve YES?

@gramophone Yes, this is correct


where the cash tho ๐Ÿ‘€