[OPEN MARKET] Will I find Gold in California? (And other bets for my trip to CA).
resolved Jun 14
Visit Dolores Park
You will go to Yosemite and you will not see a bear
Will Liam mistakenly think he found gold, but it turns out not to be gold ?
Will Liam create a gold hunting crew ?
Will I find gold?
Will I find a place I can legally use my sluice box?
Learn and share (in a comment on this market) three fun and interesting facts about the history of gold panning in the Tracy, CA area
Will I find Tracy CA “miserable?”
Will Liam find enough gold so that selling it would cover his gold-hunting-counterfactual-expenses ? (Not accounting for time spent)
Will someone ask me if I am okay mentally?


I will be traveling on vacation to Tracy, CA between May 30 and June 10 , 2024, and just like 1840s I'm hungry for that GOOOLD. Open market to bet on things related to it!


  • Travel from NY to SFO on May 30, 2024 where I will be meeting a friend who lives in Tracy, CA.

  • I will be willing to drive a few hours to any location.

  • Since this is so close to Yosemite, I'll likely have to spend a day there. It looks pretty. (Open to suggestions).

  • And since this is close to SF, and Tracy, will likely spend a few days there!

Important market considerations:

  • I have yet to discover a location where I can legally use my 50' sluice box.

  • If I get disheartened I may explore other activities, such as just bumming around Yosemite or SF.

  • I have no idea what I am doing, but I looked at like, 5 tiktoks about sluice box usage like this guy.

Initial Questions will resolve true if:

  • If I, or a member of my gold hunting crew (if one is created), successfully recovers at least one spec of gold.

So far I have:

  • Bought a sluice box and panning set, and some waders. More info here.

  • Tested said sluice box in a small stream in NY. I learned:

    • I need to buy a big plastic bucket, a better shovel, and some plumber's gloves

    • I have no idea how to pan, I need to watch some youtube videos on how to actually do it

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While there I did not find a place I could legally 100% use my sluice box. =T

How was this the case? It's not "mechanical" (as I understand it)

Alright calling this market closed. Im back home! Thank you all for participating

Jewelery shops are easy to find 🤣

bought Ṁ5 Will I find a place ... NO

Are you still looking for gold?

Update I am headed into SF for today and tomorrow! I'll take any SF bingos!

bought Ṁ10 Will I find a place ... NO

@smithers Where are you staying? Try to make it to Dolores Park.

@JimAusman I am in SoMa so dorores park is reasonable!

@smithers There was a shooting there last night, lol. Glad you are okay. It’s usually very safe.

Well, finding gold was so much easier than I thought, and yesterday my crew went on a trip to Yosemite, (amazing by the way holy sh*t is it over powered as a national park). Now I have till saturday in Tracy / Bay area / Sacramento!

Im feeling a little under the weather today, but Im totally open to any bingos!

Resolving "Will Liam mistakenly think he found gold, but it turns out not to be gold ?" I uh... found many a gold colored spec that made me giddy.

The crew and squad

@smithers where did you go?

@Lorelai Merced recreation area!


So far I haven't seen enough of Tracy to call it miserable. That's a pretty high bar, even as a toxic New Yorker myself. I'll need to investigate more. I did have in and out.

@smithers On this, it feels like Tracy is emblematic of just suburban sprawl. A place who's main identity is simply existing nearby other more established places. This isnt exactly a radical statement. It does however pass the "bowling alley" and "ramen" place test.

Im still looking and searching for more meaning within it, trying to find out what makes it truly unique, but alas for now it

@smithers So, miserable is too strong. I did find it emblematic of bay area sprawl without a sense of self.

I might not have a crew per se... But its me, my friend and his girlfriend! Soooo that might count

Hello all!! Thank you for the bets and I have not forgotten. The gold sluice will be arriving on Monday 😔 thanks UPS tomorrow I'll be heading to mercado recreation center to do panning!


@smithers is going gold hunting, and exploring in CA! anyone have suggestions for this bingo market? ✨

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