How does this resolve if the mechanism still exists but they reduce the threshold, say to 55 votes? Or even 51?
What if they add a lot of exceptions where a filibuster can be bypassed but there still exist some rare scenarios where the filibuster could still apply? E.g. filibuster is eliminated for all legislation but still remains for certain other votes?
@A if it still exists it still exists, if it gets easier that wont change things.
hmm i'd have to do a case basis if it only exists for certain legislation
@strutheo Okay, so just to be 100% clear, even if they set the threshold to just a bare majority, and therefore the filibuster never really blocks anything that had enough votes to pass otherwise, if the procedural step still exists it still counts as a filibuster?
@strutheo Okay fair enough, so we're defining this in terms of the practical effect of the filibuster rather than the procedural technicalities. Might be worth spelling that out in the description, since in the past when they have eliminated the filibuster for nominees they have indeed used technicalities like this where it still technically exists but they adjust the threshold to bypass it.
@A it would be a combination of both the practical and procedural i think, i really cant predict how they change it here