Will I be pegged in 2023?
resolved Jan 6

This has been on my sexual bucket list for a while but my gf is not that secure with it... I won't push her to do it ofc! I love her <333

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predicted NO

New Market is up and running!

predicted YES

@yunglady oh single - plot twist

predicted YES


predicted NO

@shankypanky 💀💀💀

predicted YES

@yunglady I had faith - may 2024 be your year 🤞

predicted NO

@shankypanky You’re tempting me to make another market, even though I haven’t used this app in months

predicted YES

@yunglady I'd stick with yes tbh

predicted NO

@shankypanky your confidence honors me

any updates or further insights on this one? have you talked about it again? is it on your letter to Santa?

predicted YES

@shankypanky I 2nd this. Write that letter

alternatively, visit a shopping mall and ask directly?

wishing you the best of luck

Any updates?

has the GF warmed up to it?

Are you in an ENM relationship?

@JimAusman this seems like an important question

go live your best life! not everything in sex is mutually pleasurable, nor has to be, so long as it's consensual and everyone gets their turn!

What efforts are you putting towards this actually transpiring?

predicted YES

@ES221712 how often do you suggest to your gf that this is something you're interested in? How often do you have sex?