IF in 2030, atmospheric CO2 is 440-445 ppm, what will be the global temperature anomaly in 2030?

Annual CO2 level from https://gml.noaa.gov/ccgg/trends/data.html will be taken as fact -- in 2021 this was 416.45 ppm.

Temperature anomaly (annual average) (base period 1951-80) from NASA Goddard GISTEMP (https://data.giss.nasa.gov/gistemp/tabledata_v4/GLB.Ts+dSST.txt; stable link: https://www.co2.earth/global-warming-update) will be taken as fact -- in 2021 this was 0.84.

If atmospheric CO2 is not in this range in 2030, this market will resolve N/A.

Nov 7, 6:31pm: IF in 2030, atmospheric CO2 is >440 ppm, what will be the global temperature anomaly in 2030? → IF in 2030, atmospheric CO2 is 440-445 ppm, what will be the global temperature anomaly in 2030?

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Celsius (equiv to Kelvin when relative) or Fahrenheit?

predicts HIGHER

@RealityQuotient GISTEMP is in Celsius/Kelvin

@StevenK Note that the baseline is higher than the usual (preindustrial) baseline, so the anomaly relative to it will be lower.

Well I've run out of cash to make the remaining conditions for this market [didn't understand how money worked when I first joined] so, I mean, someone else is free to make them, or I'll make them once I have the money.

IF in 2030, atmospheric CO2 is >440 ppm, what will be the global temperature anomaly in 2030?, 8k, beautiful, illustration, trending on art station, picture of the day, epic composition