Will GPT be the no.1 LLM today? (Daily Market)
Dec 31
April 30, 2024
Jan 1, 2025

Will GPT be the no.1 LLM on this day?
This market will resolve base on the ranking on Chatbot Arena Leaderboard
(updated leaderboard link:)

Resolves Yes for the day if any versions of Chatgpt (which would include GPT3.5, GPT4, GPT4.5, GPT5) is number 1 at any time of the day. (i.e. a screenshot at anytime of the day is sufficient for the day to resolve yes.)

If no one posted a screenshot for Chatgpt being #1 for the day, I will check the ranking on the next day and resolve base on whether I see Chatgpt being #1 on the next day. If you want to make sure you win your bets, post a screenshot!

Number 1 means having the highest Arena Elo. If there's two AI with the exact same Arena Elo, I would count both as number 1.
The leftmost rank column is not relevant for this market

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April 30, 2024
bought Ṁ500 April 30, 2024 YES

bought Ṁ500 Answer #8d77b863a8ec YES

bought Ṁ400 Answer #0070a19ffaf YES

bought Ṁ400 Answer #5aabaa821f7d YES

bought Ṁ350 Answer #5a88bf403267 YES

bought Ṁ300 Answer #b502b99d95f1 YES

bought Ṁ300 Answer #2d8604e24211 YES

bought Ṁ100 Answer #11b1ef62d963 YES

bought Ṁ200 Answer #d83c3856b023 YES

bought Ṁ200 Answer #51f69cd33f8f YES

bought Ṁ200 Answer #4d755bb139c9 YES

bought Ṁ200 Answer #271e10be6151 YES

bought Ṁ200 Answer #d61b7e08b62a YES

bought Ṁ200 Answer #78c08fd761f9 YES

bought Ṁ200 Answer #c652c66adb60 YES

bought Ṁ200 Answer #52179d5e7c34 NO

bought Ṁ200 Answer #bb7dfd24a1ae NO

sold Ṁ297 March 28th, 2024 NO

@AmmonLam can you do retroactive screenshotless resolutions of 27th and 28th please? :)

@traders Traders, be aware: there was an update earlier today, and now Claude is number 1 on the leaderboard!

@AmmonLam wow! that's crazy!

@AmmonLam to clarify, by "number 1" do you mean "in the highest spot" or do you mean "has a 1 in the rank column"? LMSYS has started giving "rank 1" to multiple LLMs if the confidence intervals overlap.

@IsaacCarruthers I mean number 1 as in the highest spot, corresponding to highest Arena Elo.
if there's two AI with the exact same Arena Elo, I would count both as number 1

rank is not relevant for this market

@AmmonLam FWIW I definitely had the impression that you meant the # given by hugging face. Rereading your market and description that seems like it was a reasonable interpretation.

@Tyler31 Sorry I didnt clarify that early on.

@AmmonLam No need to apologize. Appreciate the effort and clarity you had already.