Who will be the 2022-23 Gravity Chess Champion?
Feb 15
Dyusha Gritsevskiy

I will choose the individual reported as the winner of the First International Gravity Chess Tournament, according to the results posted on https://gravity-chess-tournament.andrew.gr.

Jul 12, 5:37pm: short link: https://gchess.ca

Jul 13, 11:28pm: Author betting policy: "not betting" in the joy_void_joy ontology (other than adding liquidity).

Jul 31, 6:19pm: "epicepoch" has changed his competition name to "Joe". Thus, if "Joe" wins, I will select "epicepoch" below.

Specifically, the answer will be chosen from the following set: {"Dyusha Gritsevskiy", "Michelle Hung", "Simon Popovic", "Valeria", "Louie", "Sophia", "epic", "Derik K", "epicepoch"}, where "epicepoch" is selected iff Joe wins.

Close date updated to 2022-10-15 11:59 pm

Aug 18, 3:41pm: Updated set of participants; thus, the answer will be chosen from the following set: {"Dyusha Gritsevskiy", "Michelle Hung", "Simon Popovic", "Valeria", "Louie", "Gal Raz", "epic", "Derik K", "epicepoch", "epicJames"}, where "epicepoch" is selected iff Joe wins.

Close date updated to 2022-12-01 11:59 pm

Oct 8, 6:19pm:

Close date updated to 2023-01-01 11:59 pm

Close date updated to 2023-02-01 11:59 pm

Close date updated to 2023-03-01 8:59 pm

to start trading!
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Are the rules of gravity chess posted anywhere? I tried to play on your website, and I don't understand why gravity seems to sometimes take effect and other times doesn't.

@AnthonyPeterson it's like normal chess except the pieces fall after they move (pawns expected)

This is a really cool variant! But I'm a bit skeptical if Black can actually win if White plays 1. g3 and then Rg1-Rh1-Rg1... for eternity.

Actually, never mind - I can see how that could run into some problems now.

I'm specifically envisioning a setup like e5, b5, Bb4, a5, Qe7, Qc5c6, d6, Qd5, with Qxd2d5+ a crushing threat. Obviously I'm giving Black a ton of free moves, but the point is that White can't stall forever.

@Calibrate yeah more generally, as soon as black captures the pawn that the white king is standing on, it's kind of over for white


Any updates on resolution?

@Ibozz91 working on it

@AndrewG one problem is that matches are wimbledon-style, and you have to be ahead by two games to win, so Dyusha Gritsevskiy vs epic is taking longer than expected

@AndrewG My god, it’s still going. Would be funny if the “2022-23” tournament went into 2025

@Ibozz91 I think this market is close to the unfortunate record of "most past original resolution date on Manifold"

@AndrewG when is this market expected to resolve?

@MayMeta only the top 3 spots remain to be determined.

@ElmerFudd it's taking forever :( will resolve as soon as it's done

@AndrewG Have you heard of the time the World Diplomacy Championship lasted until the start of the subsequent year's World Diplomacy Championship?

@MichaelWheatley hahaha oh no...

In the biggest upset of the tournament so far, epic (seeded 7th) has defeated Joe (seeded 2nd)! Epic will go on to face the winner of the record-long Michelle Hung-Derik K match.

go michelle!!!


Where can I follow this tournament? I know nothing about gravity chess, but there's so much mana up for grabs...
@MichaelWheatley It seems to be just the https://gchess.ca link. That's all I'm personally using at least.
@AndrewG can be a substitute for Sophia?
@JonathanChiang is this “Joe”? If so you probably should’ve written that, not “me”
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