Wavelet-based electrostatics solver in molecular dynamics code? (Before Nov 2026)

Resolves Yes if, by Nov 1st 2026, an electrostatic solver (computes Coulomb forces) using the wavelet transform (continuous or discrete) as an essential part of its algorithm is implemented in one of the mainstream molecular dynamics (MD) code, namely, Amber, Charmm, LAMMPS, Gromacs, NAMD, or OpenMM.

If it's in the codebase main or devel branch, but not in a release version, still revolves Yes. If the wavelet part can be replaced by another transform or algorithm without negative impact, does not count toward Yes.

I reserve the right to discuss in the comments, temporarily halt tradng, and possibly even resolve N/A on ambiguity. Suggestions and comments on resolution criteria are welcome if made well in advance of the resolving event

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this seems really cool but I wonder if “whoever may be working on it” will get it done in time 😉