Will Biden make any gaffes in the next week according to the NY Times?
resolved Jul 8

Resolves YES if there is a New York Times article describing Biden making a "gaffe" between June 30th at 11:40 AM PT and July 7th at 11:40 AM PT.

If the NY times specifically uses the word "gaffe" in relation to something Biden said during this time period, I will resolve YES. If the NY times does not use the word "gaffe" but reports on Biden misspeaking in an embarrassing way then I will resolve YES. Otherwise, I will resolve NO.

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@traders Planning to resolve YES based on this article. The author wrote that Biden: "struggled to find the right phrase..., saying that he was proud to have been “the first Black woman to serve with a Black president.” "

I think this qualifies as NY times reporting on Biden "misspeaking in an embarrassing way".

Yeah, Biden misspoke in an embarrassing way, and the NYT reported on it.

If you wanted to be a pedant you could argue that the NYT didn’t explicitly use the word “embarrassing”, but I think the authorial intent is pretty clear with “struggled to find the phrase”, and the actual content of what he said.

@traders I will look into this and resolve tomorrow so please provide feedback in the next 15 hours. Keeping this open to incentivize people to review NYT coverage for gaffes

@traders Any opinions on this article in relation to the resolution criteria: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/07/04/us/politics/biden-election-campaign.html

Imo this counts, depends on whether this counts as "reporting on him misspeaking in an embarrassing way". I think that it does

bought Ṁ100 YES

resolves yes imo

"President Joe Biden will give an interview to ABC’s George Stephanopoulos later this week, his first since the president’s much-criticized performance during last week’s debate." https://apnews.com/article/biden-abc-televisiion-debate-1d33bf51fe706e2fd1adea7a83bbf617

The AI art banner for this is surprisingly poetic