Will Joe Manchin run for Governor of West Virginia as an Independent?
resolved Jul 31

Resolves if he decides to run, or decides to not run

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Joe Manchin has said that he will not run - should i resolve?

I think we need to wait until August when the deadline passes for him to decide to run. He could still change his mind.


What's the timeframe on this?

@PlasmaBallin Actually, I guess within the next day or two?

"The West Virginia Democrat needs to decide whether to run as an independent for governor — or to keep his current Senate seat — by the weekend, at least 60 days before the Aug. 1 deadline for filing for an independent campaign, according to secretary of state’s office."

opened a á¹€100 YES at 22% order

@TimothyJohnson5c16 are we sure he's not just like, trivially lying?

@SemioticRivalry Of course we can't rule that out yet. But my impression is that Manchin generally says what he means.

@SemioticRivalry Also, Steve Williams has said they've been friends for decades, so it would be a weird betrayal for Manchin to suddenly jump in and run against him. (I can't seem to find the source right now though.)

@TimothyJohnson5c16 The Senate and Gov candidates are both longtime Manchin allies. Yet he just left the Democratic Party and became an independent for seemingly no reason if it's not a calculated move to run statewide.

@SemioticRivalry If he were planning to run, wouldn't he wait to change his voter registration until he's ready to announce that he's running?

@TimothyJohnson5c16 i think it makes sense to do it a few weeks/months in advance so that it looks less calculated to the voters.

@SemioticRivalry Agreed. I think that Manchin has a decent chance if he decides to run as an independent since he won against Pat Morrissey 6 years ago, but the democrat might have a spoiler effect. It'll be interesting to see if he does run.

@EddisonChen I think Manchin has until August 1st to file for an independent campaign, right? Do you want to extend the close date?


I'll extend to July 31st. Thanks for letting me know!