Which milestones will Starliner achieve?
Aug 1
Successful reentry and recovery
Astronauts leave ISS on Starliner
Successful docking
Successful docking according to plan
Full duration stay docked to ISS

The Boeing Starliner flight is continuing to have trouble with its propulsion system.

Which mission objectives will it achieve? Will plans be changed in response to problems?

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Full duration stay docked to ISS

Original plan was "about a week". The intent was to ask whether the stay got cut short; the current planned extension would result in a Yes resolution.

Successful docking according to plan

Resolved Yes. As best I can tell, the docking was autonomous and without issue. No rescue scenario or manual control. In general, manual control of the vehicle was "tested", but I've seen no indication that it was required or used for docking, and no other emergency scenarios played out.

In retrospect, it would have been better to clarify in advance how the delay would be counted (they waved off the first attempt at docking and succeeded on the second). It wasn't mentioned, and I think the comment thread implied it wasn't being considered as far enough off-plan to cause a No resolution. Hazards of hastily-written markets, I suppose. I count this as a better outcome than not having the market, so a success on my part, but still with room for improvement.

bought Ṁ1,000 Successful docking a... YES

Only soft capture so far

bought Ṁ1,750 Successful docking a... YES

@Mqrius aiui docking went fine and according to plan, but I must say I didn't keep perfect track. Egress will happen in 1h30 I believe.

@Mqrius That's my impression as well. I haven't seen a specific reference to whether they used autonomous docking or had to do a manual takeover, which I assume means it went to plan and this resolves Yes. I'll dig around for more detailed reports this evening; that's enough time that I'm willing to assume we'd have reports of problems by then. I'll resolve Yes if I can't find any further details.

Successful docking according to plan

With autonomous docking and such. If we see something like a rescue and capture using manual flying and/or the Canadarm, this resolves No and "successful docking" resolves Yes.

In an effort to get this live fast, it's fairly light on details. Questions / feedback / suggestions welcome, including for both existing and new answers.