Will there be a way for two users to bet against each other without paying Manifold? [6 months]
Nov 16

Fees are paid to Manifold when betting against the AMM or filling somebody else's limit order, but not when your own limit orders get filled after you place them. A consequence of this is that if two users want to make a bet, they can't do so on their own terms (because at least one of them will pay fees). People experimented with using bounties for this, but those got discontinued. Will there be any way to do this on 16th November 2024?

For example, if fees were removed for taking somebody else's limit order, or if a mechanism for facilitating private bets was introduced (with no fees). Restoring bounties or managrams also counts.

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Hopefully the link works. James says that 100% of fees are paid to the market creator up to 1000M. I think if this remains true on the close date of this market, it will resolve YES.

Suppose Alice and Bob want to have a bet. Alice creates a market, Bob sets a limit order at the agreed percentage, and Alice buys the appropriate amount, paying fees to herself. Time passes, the event happens or doesn't, and Alice resolves the market, settling the bet.

If Manifold remove the ability to bet on your own market, this will no longer work.

bought Ṁ847 YES

resolves yes, fees removed entirely

@nikki thanks for the heads up. Market resolves depending on the state of play on the close date, so I won't resolve early. Hopefully it's unlikely that the decision will be reversed but stranger things have happened!


Hopefully the link works. James says that 100% of fees are paid to the market creator up to 1000M. I think if this remains true on the close date of this market, it will resolve YES.

Suppose Alice and Bob want to have a bet. Alice creates a market, Bob sets a limit order at the agreed percentage, and Alice buys the appropriate amount, paying fees to herself. Time passes, the event happens or doesn't, and Alice resolves the market, settling the bet.

If Manifold remove the ability to bet on your own market, this will no longer work.

@Fion sorry to ask but : are you French ?

@Mich no, I'm Scottish. Why do you ask?

@Fion oh okay sorry, now I'm embarassed haha. In French "fion" can refer to a desert, but it mostly means "butt". I was kinda wondering if you had chosen this pseudo to troll 😅

@Mich haha, no, but I am pleased to know about this accidental double-entendre :)