Where will Andrej Karpathy work next after OpenAI, before 2025?
Founds a new company - Karpathy will found a company before officially joining any existing company.
Unknown or Remains Unemployed - Karpathy will not officially join any other company before 2025
Tesla/xAI/X/Anything Elon Controlled
Academia (Full time employment at a university)
Another Altman Company - Karpathy will join a company that Sam Altman either founds himself or is heavily involved with, with Karpathy not being a co-founder, before 2025


See here for speculation on why he left the company:


Feel free to comment suggestions to add, which will be split from "Other".

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Can you add Nvidia? Thanks

Unknown or Remains Unemployed - Karpathy will not officially join any other company before 2025
bought แน€100 Unknown or Remains U... NO

Karpathy updated his website.

2024 - coming soon ๐Ÿง‘โ€๐Ÿณ

@nikstar Should I add "Gourmet Chef"?

let him cook

Full-Time Youtuber


oh god i hope there's not any important information in this

@Joshua lolol only if you're in some niche nerdtech markets from what I can tell

bought แน€50 Other YES

Could go to academia?

Can we add academia @Joshua? This seems like a viable potential option.

@shankypanky Hmm yeah, as long as we all agree that it doesn't overlap with the federal government option in the case of public universities.

@Joshua Also want to make it clear that him just helping with a paper while remaining unemployed doesn't count. He'd have to actually get a job in academia.

@Joshua ah I didn't consider that people may argue for that. to me they're fundamentally separate but I don't know how other people see it. and definitely authoring or coauthoring a paper doesn't count as joining academia. (maybe there are too many grey areas to account for here?)

@shankypanky In just gonna say full time employment in the answer, hopefully that's mutually exclusive

Founds a new company - Karpathy will found a company before officially joining any existing company.

@Joshua can you add something related to sama's new company (when/if it eventuates)? I know if he founds one with Sam this will resolve yes, but good to cover the edge case that he joins Sam's company but not as a founder, if you agree?

bought แน€10 Another Altman Compa... YES

@shankypanky Agreed, added and edited the original to be more clear. Is there reason to expect this though?

@Joshua always? ๐Ÿ™ƒ just covering some edge cases, I guess. there's always a chance he doesn't want to be in the founding circle but still comes along for the $7T project in another capacity.

@Joshua some of the speculation was around him going into something biotech/neurotech related but then I don't know if I'm just getting too niche if I suggest something around that (a bio/neuro startup for example) so I skipped it

Add Keen tech with Carmack?

@shankypanky Added ๐Ÿ˜‚

add Tesla!

@saulmunn (or is that included in "anything Elon-controlled"?)

@saulmunn It would be! Edited to be clear on that.

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