Will Biden give any currently undocumented immigrants the right to vote in the 2024 US election?
Nov 7


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Isn't suffrage squarely within congressional purview?

i.e. the executive branch might allow or count a vote but whether or not it is correct to do so requires legislation. (How it is done [executive] vs what should be done [legislative])

he doesn’t need to give them permission, he could just pardon them after the fact, just like trump did for all his J6ers

How will this resolve if permission is given "unofficially": meaning no id or verification for voters? Essentially anyone physically present in the US is allowed to vote.

@VishalDoshi unclear how this works in the US, but do you prevent double voting without an ID?

@TheWabiSabi you don't. One vote per person per booth I guess. Maybe once per hour or so? https://x.com/elonmusk/status/1744498282141786473?s=20

predicts NO

@VishalDoshi This is about officially and legally giving them voting rights, which is what Elon is talking about in the linked tweet.

@Joshua Then I guess this is a no. They already have the ability to vote, they don't need an official "right"

@VishalDoshi Its cool to keep throwimg around words to win internet arguments, but be careful not to believe yourself. Last election a surprising number of republicans thought “you can vote once per hour per booth” was true and not just a dogwhistle for “we hate brown people,” voted a bunch of times, and went straight to jail. Gosh, I wouldn’t want that to happen to you!

predicts NO

@VishalDoshi Do you have a source on the claim that noncitizens can/do vote in large numbers? Every credible source I can find points in the opposite direction.


If you do have credible evidence that I'm unaware of, I'd greatly appreciate if you'd share it. Learning that the sources I rely on have been misleading me for the past ten years would have profound impacts on my understanding of the world, and I would prefer to perceive reality more accurately.

If this claim is unsubstantiated on any evidence other than vibes, I would not recommend repeating it. Firstly, predictive communities like Manifold rely on reputation in discussions, and trumpeting baseless claims is a great way to be ignored and ridiculed. Secondly, the claim that undocumented immigrants are voting in large numbers is usually used in support of the great replacement theory, which I see to be dangerous for the health of American democracy for a variety of reasons.