Released = available to some portion of the public (including a subset of subscribers or a limited number of API developers from members of the public). Released only for safety testing does not count.
New model = Either announced by the company as a new model, is clear from numbering/naming it is a distinct model, or able to be selected from some sort of menu as a distinct model. Something like "o1 extra mini" would count as while it is part of o1 it can be considered a distinct model in this market.
Please note that any model which came out this month prior to market creation will not count (a new model from the company should come out for the answer to resolve to yes). For example Nvidia's recently released AI called Cosmos will not count towards this market.
Must be released before January 31st 11:59pm PST. If it is announced but not yet released to any members of the public it will not count.
*OpenAI (other) refers to any model that is not their new flagship model (eg. gpt 5), o3, or o3-mini, a video generator, or an image generator. It could be a derivative of another language model or some other type of model such as a voice generator.
**Anthropic flagship language model refers to a model comparable to claude 3.5 or gpt-4o that should outperform claude 3.5 sonnet on a majority of performance benchmarks. This should not be a reasoning model.
***Anthropic reasoning model refers to a model that is not considered their everyday task model and is akin to what OpenAI's O1 is to gpt-4o.
****Anthropic (any other) refers to any model that is not a reasoning model nor their new flagship model. For example, it could be a derivative of an existing language model or a different type of AI model entirely.
Update 2025-09-01 (PST) (AI summary of creator comment): Update from creator:
A model relaunched as Gemini 2 Pro with any small updates will count as a new model.
If a model is only renamed to Gemini 2 Pro without any updates, it will not count.
@mathvc ~2 weeks means 2-4 weeks and even then it's unclear if it includes possible delays (people are biased even if they are aware they are biased). 31th of January is exactly 2 weeks but it's Friday, tech companies typically do not release on Friday
@qumeric nah, 31th of January is “planning to ship before February” or “planning to ship in a couple of days”
But i get your point that strictly speaking it is still vague
I think NVIDIA released cosmos-nemotron in January? It is different from cosmos mentioned in the market description. It is already available in preview e.g here
And also new version of Llama nemotron based on LLAMA-3.3?
@ian isn’t it different? It’s very confusing so I cannot really understand myself and some things do not have publish dates but AFAIU there is:
Llama-nemotron based on Llama-3.1
Llama-nemotron based on Llama-3.3
Cosmos-nemotron (although maybe it’s the same as previous point)
@ian but there is nothing in the market description which says that it has to be released after market creation? The title is unambigous "Which new AI models will be released in January 2025?"
@JoshYou Yes, it would count as it would meet the company naming distinction that the market requires. Even if they do say it is based on the same model and relaunch it as Gemini 2 Pro with any small updates it would count. The only reason it wouldn't count is if they just rename it to Gemini 2 Pro with no other updates.