Who will win the 2024 Democratic presidential nomination?
Aug 23
Joe Biden
Kamala Harris
Gavin Newsom
Gretchen Whitmer
Michelle Obama

Resolves to whoever is selected as the United States Democratic Party nominee for President at the 2024 Democratic National Convention

Who will be the Democratic nominee?

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MAGAs would lose their minds every minute of every day for her entire presidency, but she's not going to do it.

Jimmy carter should be on the table. Why nominate an 81 year old when you can nominate a 99 year old

This bet is gonna take some Diamond Hands 💠💠, Polls are gonna come out, Schumer's gonna start making noise, Donors, but I don't see the alternative. Kamala is a guaranteed loss, anyone else will rip the party apart.

Harris is guaranteed to do better than Biden and Biden's chances come election will probably be a little less than 50/50. Harris will certainly be over that.

@ManifoldPolitics I feel like this (or @NathanpmYoung market) should be a prize market given the recent activity!

Newsom is way too high... he's just way too slimy, and if it's not Biden it's going to be Kamala Harris.

unless they get rid of her by putting her in the Supreme Court...

sold Ṁ2 Gretchen Whitmer YES

This is an interesting thought. Do you know where it originated?

bought Ṁ2 Kamala Harris YES

I don't know, it's been around for a while, probably since every poll says that people don't like her

bought Ṁ50 Michelle Obama YES

Just bought some more Michele Obama moon tickets 🚀 🌔

Reasoning: democrats don't care about anything but raw power. They will run through their horrible list of options and realize that each one is either fatally flawed wrt middle America or has absolutely no name recognition. They will see Michelle and think this is their one shot to resurrect 2024, having been too cuckish to challenge Biden properly last year. Michelle will now realize, in spite of priot statements, that she is the one hope for the dems (who doesn't want to be a savior?) and will reluctantly accept. Result: Michelle wins and Barack Obama begins his 4th term as president.

One of many problems with the Michele thesis is that she doesn't want to be the POTUS.

who doesn't want to be a savior?

Michelle Obama doesn't.

Did you ask her? (also incredible disconnect here vs Polymarket)

are you suggesting Polymarket did ask her? lol

I'm suggesting it's an assumption in either direction if there is not actual indication of her thoughts at the moment. I acknowledge she expressed no interest in previous interviews, but the current situation is one where she may reconsider.

I think we all would agree that her running would be ridiculous in a way, but where I may differ is in thinking it's exactly these sort of ridiculous things that can plausibly happen. I mean, look at how ridiculous Trump is and how far he got.

(Personally, I would prefer Hilary for her foreign policy chops, but even I can see that is a bigger longshot)

I searched for "democratic nominee" so had a hard time finding this market

Added it to the description to improve search. Thanks for letting us know

Edit: it’s a minor improvement but still bad tbh, there is so many other markets using that terminology

bought Ṁ20 Gavin Newsom YES

Gavin Newsom up to 8% on polymarket.

Somehow people are less willing to throw away mana than real money. M20 is a weak bet.

Chat messages just show the last bet. Currently @Fedor holds Ṁ4,933 yes shares. Not a huge amount, but significantly more.

I still think this market is right and polymarket is wrong, so I'm betting biden on polymarket for a lot of money. But I do want to prompt the discussion