How much mana will I spend in 2024?
resolved Aug 5

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@Quillist i think you've already passed the highest bucket? querying the API, counting balance changes with just create_bet or fill_bet, i'm seeing >1.6 million mana spent on just bets in 2024? so i think this can resolve to highest bucket, unless i made a mistake

create_bet is just when I created a limit order, even if it had not filled correct? In which case I would not count that since its more of an offer and not an actual transaction.

So I'm looking just at balance changes (API call), so that shouldn't include unfilled limit orders (IIUC, create_bet here is just a regular market order, while fill_bet is a limit order being filled). So the latest create_bet is 100M spent on the financial crimes market, the latest fill_bet is a tiny filled limit order on 0.3M bet on the prez market. This only counts negative balance changes of these two types (I suppose ante & etc might count as mana spent as well, but not necessary), but when you count up negative balance changes from bets since Jan I think you get well above 1M.

not an API expert so it's possible i'm making a mistake somewhere, but i'm pretty confident the balance log shouldn't include unfilled limit orders, just bets where mana is actually spent. (and this shouldn't be counting any positive balance changes e.g. sells, just negative ones. just tested that, & even if I "bet", if it's in the opposite direction of shares I own, it gets logged as redeem_shares with a positive balance change, so those are all excluded too)

bought Ṁ125 994000-1014500 YES

In the comments of this market people share profit opportunities, if you don't know where to spend your mana

How do you count? If you make a bet and sell and use that same mana to bet again, does that count as spending the mana both times?

We'll double count the mana, since it's easier to calculate.

bought Ṁ75 994000-1014500 YES

thanks. And presumably if you get over all the buckets on this market the highest bucket resolves YES?
