Israel Retaliatory Strike Community Pool [ADD YOURS]
resolved Jun 8
Retaliation will be performative and not cause significant damage a la Iranian attack
Iran will not publically acknowledge the explosions that occured in Syria and Iran as an Israeli retaliation for the next 24 hours (starting GMT+3 0500)
Israel will target alleged or confirmed nuclear sites
Israel will damage Iranian rocket sites
Israel will strike Iran within the next 48 hours
Israel will strike Iran within the next 24 hours
Israel will damage Iranian power grid
At least one Iranian military personnel will die
An operation in Rafiah will commence as part of the retaliation
Israel will avoid Iran proper and target IRGC militia assets exclusively
Nothing ever happens (No retaliation will occur)

Feel free to ask questions about how things will be resolved if unclear. Add your own answers.

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I think it's safe to say the purpose of this attack was to demonstrate strike-capability rather than to damage specific targets. “Performative” resolves “yes”.

While one of the batteries targeted was at a power plant, there have been no reports of Iranian power infrastructure receiving damage.

Saeed Abiyar was the first member of IRGC to be reported killed since the embassy strike, I think this is a clear no

I think it's safe to say the retaliatory strike has ended and further actions will not be considered a part of the retaliation. I will do my best now to resolve everything appropriately.

@Reddit Three items waiting to be resolved?

@GazDownright My bad! I'll get right on that.

@Reddit sorry, I've been on a trip to the mountains.

I want to resolve the "performative" question to "yes". However, I'm willing to accept arguments that more significant damage has been achieved compared to Iran's attack.

@Reddit I'm not sure if more damage was achieved, the combined cost of all the interceptors used against the Iranian missiles and drones probably exceeds the cost of the destroyed S300

@colorednoise I'm under the impression there were unconfirmed hits in on IRGC militia positions in Syria, which would be of military significance as well.

@Reddit We might find the balance sheet leaning in favor of Israel/Iran if you summarize all the nuts and bolts, but to me this altercation just looks like mutual postering, and neither gained any significant advantage to the other.

Resolved the "Rocket Sites" question "Yes" as well since an S-300 station was destroyed.

The target was the air defense of a nuclear site, so I think that definitely counts as targeting a nuclear site

@colorednoise I wanted to resolve this a few days ago but wasn't sure if there were reliable sources to pull from at the time, has anyone outside of OSINT accounts confirmed this?

@Reddit article in Israeli media
they say "according to reports" though

@colorednoise I'll go ahead and resolve "Yes" since there are no conflicting reports anyhow..

Iran will not publically acknowledge the explosions that occured in Syria and Iran as an Israeli retaliation for the next 24 hours (starting GMT+3 0500)

Rephrased: Iran will not publically acknowledge the explosions that occured in Syria and Iran as an Israeli retaliation for the next 24 hours

Nothing confirmed yet but I think happeningbros should potentially begin to rejoice.

Hope someone can advise me if I should close this while we wait for news that could confirm the resolutions!

bought Ṁ3 An operation in Rafi... NO

This market (especially "An operation in Rafiah will commence as part of the retaliation") is subjective, you shouldn't be betting on it

I don't see a situation were an operation in rafah can possbily be considered a retaliation to Iran, and you buying Yes makes me doubt the reliability of the market

bought Ṁ20 An operation in Rafi... YES

@colorednoise Didn't know how to phrase it right, but I would only count it as “part of” if it was part of an official operation or if it was referred to being ”part of” the retaliation by a politician or by military command. That should be less subjective.

@colorednoise I'll explain my thinking. Hamas is backed by Iran, Galant spoke today about retaliatory strikes and invading Rafiah, which previously Israel was desisting from (unclear if this is due to foreign pressure, the talks wrt hostage-prisoner exchange, humanitarian reasons, or other factors), I think it's conceivable a Rafiah operation could be referred to as retaliatory. I understand your concerns, and appreciate you for letting me know about them. I have no interest in rigging things in my favor, and don't mind losing mana, but I don't want to have bad etiquette, so I will sell off my shares.

bought Ṁ10 Retaliation will be ... YES

For the next X hours questions, is there a way to tell when they started?

@DanielCotter I'll be going off of noon, GMT +3

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