Will Hezbollah directly engage in combat operations against Israel?

"Direct combat operations" means a sustained combat effort; special operations don't count.

Will resolve at end of current conflict, or extend if conflict doesn't end by time of closure.

Will resolve if confirmed by reliable media source (Reuters, BBC, the AP, etc.)

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Does firing rockets almost everyday for 11 months to northern Israel not count as a "sustained combat effort"? I think this should be resolved as YES.

bought Ṁ2,000 YES

Nasrallah just sort of said that Israel has declared a war upon Lebanon.


Although afterwards he has added that

”This is a new reality, time will tell if this means an all out war, a limited conflict or anything else, we are ready. Whatever will come - they will not be able to return the evacuated back to their homes”

@Betrayer Every day, Israel is proving Hezbollah are total cucks. The "red lines" are nonsense and, regardless of the rhetoric, Hezbollah is paralyzed by Israel's tactics.

It's still the case the US is signaling it will backstop Israel if Hezbollah gets too spicy, while Israel still largely lacks any impetus to commence a large engagement (especially since US support may be lacking if Israel is considered to be the aggressor). I don't think anything has strategically changed, notwithstanding recent events. The case for YES is still based on an escalatory series of actions that both sides have good reasons to try to avoid.

Too vague to be meaningful. Arent rockets combat operations already?

Could you please elaborate on "end of current conflict"? Does that mean the conflict with Hamas in Gaza or the regular exchanges of fire with Hezbollah?

If the former ends and the latter doesn't will that resolve the market?

P.S. It may be difficult to determine an endpoint if things slowly peter out

I would describe them as two fronts of the same conflict considering that Iran and Hezbollah are allies of Hamas, and that the increased tensions with Hezbollah are directly caused by the Gaza conflict. Same way I wouldn’t distinguish the western front of WW2 as a conflict separate from the eastern front or the Pacific theater due to different starting times and geographical locations.

In Lebanon currently betting on my fate

@Nilah stay safe

@ShakedKoplewitz Tbh the prevailing mood of the people here seem very calm. That may be due to trauma or acceptance of reality that is out of their control.

@Nilah yeah... My impression of Lebanon is that Hezbollah is genuinely pretty unrepresentative and most people there don't especially want to pick a war (unlike in Gaza), but don't have much control over Hezbollah which is Iran-armed and trained. (TBH would appreciate any insight from the ground)

@Nilah Stay safe.

@ShakedKoplewitz It probably helps that people in South Lebanon see on their TV screens what happened in Gaza. Hopefully that's some good deterrence. No one wants that to happen to Lebanon. I hope a war can be avoided.

@nathanwei Same. Thanks

@ShakedKoplewitz Just talked with a friend who lives in Deir Mimas (the south) that had witnessed the shelling/bombings. He said things haven’t seem to have escalated since the Iranian retaliation. But many of the olive groves are being bombed.

I talked with my neighbors (I live in a Christian neighborhood in Beirut). They seemed not overly concerned as mentioned they believe that if Beirut is targeted, it would most likely and only affect Dahiye as what happened in 2006 as well as some infrastructure.

@Nilah Their observations *

@ShakedKoplewitz We also usually emails from the US embassy which helps gauge the situation as we received a email April 13 as a reminder of caution prior to the Iranian strikes on the 19th.

bought Ṁ50 YES


What is the difference between a 'special operation' and a direct engagement?

Is "Full-scale operation" equivalent to "Special Operation"

@Blomfilter very reckless use of “full-scale operation” lol. It’s literally just airstrikes, nothing full-scale about it.

bought Ṁ400 NO

@NADZOR it's Mario nawfal lol. If you literally just take whatever he says and then reverse it, you would have the most accurate super forecaster of all time.

@SemioticRivalry Went to Reuters after reading the attached tweet. After reading the article, opened Twitter and blocked the guy. Absolutely reckless, shameless attention-seeking clickbaiter. Hadn’t heard of him before; glad I won’t be hearing of him further.

Heating up again

sold Ṁ162 NO

Northern border attacks keep escalating. I thought Hezbollah would launch a few to show solidarity and gradually taper off, but they seem uninterested in deescalating and with a hundred thousand internal refugees Israel may eventually decide to take the fight to them once Gaza's done.


Lebanese Al-Akhbar (Hezbollah-affiliated) from diplomatic sources:

Israel informed the Western countries that it had set an ultimatum to reach a political agreement with Lebanon by March 15. If an agreement is not reached, it is preparing to escalate military activity in Lebanon into a full-scale war.

@ICRainbow I feel like that site gave me malware. Anyway, Israel is denying elsewhere:

"If an agreement was not reached by that point, according to the pro-Hezbollah newspaper, Israel would ramp up its military operations against the terrorist factions on its northern border to the point of a full-scale war. However, an Israeli official later denied the report of a deadline to Hebrew-language media."


@ICRainbow https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/idf-said-to-deny-lebanese-report-on-march-15-war-ultimatum/ IDF denies this. No highly credible source seems to be reporting on the March 15 ultimatum based on quick googling.