Will Israel invade Lebanon by the end of 2024?
Jan 1

I will use the Cambridge dictionary definition of invasion to determine the outcome and i will update the description: "the act of entering a place by force, often in large numbers." and "an occasion when an army or country uses force to enter and take control of another country" ~https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/invasion
So if the Israeli military enters Lebanon in big numbers in an aim of invasion/take control of parts/the entirety of Lebanon it will be resolved to yes. Like Russia is invading parts of Ukraine but for Lebanon.

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IDF air campaign will be about 6-10 days at this intensity (per TBN Israel). Then the missiles and weapons and much of Hezbollah will be eliminated. Above ground infrastructure will be gone.

Possible then it would be time to do the ground campaign combined with air to take out tunnels etc...

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@brianwang I don't think the IDF has much to gain by a ground campaign? The one goal they have is to stop the missiles and I don't see what how a ground campaign would help.

@Shai hard to stop missiles with purely an air campaign, a ground campaign to push Hezbollah north of the Litani could put them out of range for their short range missiles and let a lot of their long range missile stocks be captured. Plus it would push them into non-shiite parts of Lebanon where they can't operate as easily in general.

@Shai Israeli army chief disagrees about the ground campaign.


Israel’s military chief has told troops that extensive air strikes in Lebanon targeting the armed group Hezbollah could pave the way for them to “enter enemy territory”.

"You hear the jets overhead; we have been striking all day. This is both to prepare the ground for your possible entry and to continue degrading Hezbollah," Lt Gen Herzi Halevi said.

“The goal is very clear - to safely return the residents of the north. To achieve that, we are preparing the process of a manoeuvre, which means your military boots... will enter enemy territory.”

Lt Gen Halevi said troops would "destroy the enemy" and its infrastructure.

@ShakedKoplewitz Beyond Litani is HZ territory. The border zone is just an operational theater.

@brianwang That's just military talk for "we may enter Lebanon soon", no info about why that might be strategically necessary.

@ShakedKoplewitz Why not just bomb the missiles? Surely we can penetrate most of what's underground and what isn't has to be brought above ground in order to be used. Pushing Hezbollah north militarily isn't a long term solution, they'll just return once the IDF leaves.

@Shai You assume that the IDF knows the location of all missiles and that resupplies through Iran or other allies are not an issue.

I expect that Israel will be able to prevent Hezbollah from returning to the south if they get pushed to the north. The rivers make that relatively easy.

@Sodann The IDF knows the location of all missiles (or at least they know enough where additional intel from a ground operation won't be meaningful). resupplies can get bombed as well.

Can you elaborate on the rivers thing? I don't understand

@Shai I mean that the rivers provide a natural barrier, in particular the Litany. The IDF can set up check points at the bridges or tear them down. Then, it will be easy to spot and stop Hezbollah if they try to cross.

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"we are preparing the process of a maneuver, which means your military boots, your maneuvering boots, will enter enemy territory." https://abcnews.go.com/International/israel-prepares-potential-ground-invasion-lebanon-continues-airstrikes/story?id=114076028

Grammar error:
It should be "Will the Israel invade the Lebanon by the end of 2024?"

@asmith the 2024

@ICRainbow and now shutting down Al-Jazeera in the west bank - certainly feels like the things they'd do before starting a proper war.

@Marnix This seems very unlikely to be related (Al-Jazeera's problems have been going on for a while, and even Al Jazeera can only do so much to make Hezbollah-launched rockets landing on the West Bank look like Israel's fault.)

@Marnix oh yeah things are definitely heating up (Hezbollah has been launching two hundred rockets a day at Israeli civilian targets this week), it's just unrelated to the Al Jazeera thing.

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So, just to confirm: if IDF forces move into Lebanon and the Israeli gov. states it's to dismantle Hezbollah forces (i.e., doesn't explicitly state it's to take control of parts of Lebanon), does the question resolves to "Yes" or "No"?

@LolPopb5f2 I'm interested in this as well

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