What year do we get a cure for cancer?

This threshold is met if 95% of individuals diagnosed with cancer are alive and cancer-free (complete remission) 18 months after initial diagnosis, in a least 4 of the following countries: USA, UK, France, Japan, India, Canada, Australia, Germany, Italy.

In order for this threshold to be met for a given year, there has to be credible evidence in each qualifying country that this threshold has been reached. This evidence (e.g. clinical studies) must take into consideration patients diagnosed with cancer at least 18 months prior to the year in question.

Questions with the same criteria:















The cohorts considered in these studies must be statistically representative of that country's population.

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Predicting a definitive year for a cancer cure is complex. Research progresses steadily, with advancements in immunotherapy and pregnancy information precision medicine offering hope. It's a collaborative effort spanning disciplines and requires continued funding and innovation. While a cure remains elusive, each breakthrough brings us closer to transformative treatments.