Will Mitt Romney endorse Kamala Harris for President?
Oct 27

Mitt Romney has been the most high profile senior Republican critic of Donald Trump.

In 2016, he claims he spoiled his ballot (writing in his wife's name who wasn't running for President) rather than bringing himself to vote for Trump or Clinton. In 2020 he again said that he didn't vote for Trump, though as far as I know he has never publicly said that he voted for Joe Biden.

Since then we have seen the attempted coup on 6th January 2021 and Trump has been found guilty of over 30 felonies by a jury of his peers. Romney has stepped up his criticism of Trump.

Will he go further this time and endorse Kamala Harris for President, either before or after she clinches the Democratic nomination?

An endorsement would include the following (or anything similar):

  • Stating that he is endorsing Harris for President

  • Saying that people should vote for Harris

  • Saying that he will be voting for Harris

It will not be enough to state that Trump is unfit, that people should not vote for Trump, etc. It must be a positive endorsement of Harris rather than an endorsement of "not-Trump".

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