Will the UK Conservative Party return Frank Hester's £10 million donation?
resolved Jul 8

Frank Hester is the Conservative Party's biggest donor. He has given £10 million to the party in the past year.

He has been exposed saying some pretty awful stuff this week. The worst is what he said about Diane Abbot, including:

"You see Diane Abbott on the TV and you’re just like, I hate, you just want to hate all black women because she’s there, and I don’t hate all black women at all, but I think she should be shot."


[Name redacted] and Diane Abbott need to be shot. She’s stupid … If we can get [name redacted] being unprofessional we can get her sacked. It’s not as good as her dying. It would be much better if she died. She’s consuming resource. She’s eating food that other people could eat. You know?


Sunak is facing calls to return the donation. Will he do so?

Resolution criteria:

  • If Sunak or a qualified Conservative Party spokesperson announce that they are returning the donation, the market will resolve to YES without the need to prove that the money is actually being returned.

  • If they announce that the money is being given to charity or some other good cause or otherwise being disposed of in a way which means that the Conservative Party can't spend it, that will also count for the purposes of this market.

  • If Parliament is dissolved for a general election before the money has been returned/donated, the market will resolve to NO

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opened a Ṁ1,000 NO at 5% order

Related market now that Diane Abbott has reported Hester to the police for his comments: