Many poorly-received trinkets in the startup space drop their original retail price substantially (I will consider anything over 40% substantial, such as the price drop of the Juicero from $700 to $399) in order to gain traction.
In many cases, hardware will be provided either heavily subsidised, or for free, if the buyer enters into a subscription.
The Humane AI Pin, current priced at $699, can currently be purchased without a subscription (and although the device is useless without one, many have argued the $24/month subscription does not change this)
If, prior to the end of 2024, the Human AI Pin’s price drops by 40% or more (meaning a drop from $699 to or below $419.40), and purchase requires the user enter into a non-optional subscription, removing the option of buying the device outright without entering into a subscription, answer will resolve to yes.
If the price remains above $419.40, or it is possible to purchase the device without entering into a subscription agreement at or below $419.40, answer will resolve to no (as they have not switched to a heavily subscription-subsidised, loss-leader business model)
Will resolve if the aforementioned conditions are met early.